We spent the whole day swimming and playing football by the lake. It was so much fun that we lost the track of time. Then Serezha and I went to pick berries and we were competing who was going to get more wild strawberries
My morning was no different from those I normally have. However, I knew there is an important test ahead. Our teacher of Maths calls it a final exam of the year. So, you can imagine how important it was for everyone. I spent a week preparing for this test. As I said, my morning went quite well, but since the time I stepped out into the street the minor problems and misfortunes began
кожа имеет ведущее значение в процессах отдачи организмом тепла в окружающую среду. в коже есть специальные органы выделения — потовые и сальные железы. потовые железы играют важную роль в выделении воды, особенно в условиях жаркого климата и (или) интенсивной работы, в том числе в горячих цехах. выделение воды с поверхности кожи колеблется от 0,5 л/сут в покое до 10 л/сут в жаркие дни. с потом выделяются также соли натрия, калия, кальция, мочевина (5-10% от общего выводимого из организма ее количества), мочевая кислота, около 2% углекислого газа. сальные железы секретируют особое жировое вещество — кожное сало, которое выполняет защитную функцию. оно состоит на 2/3 из воды и 1/3 из неомыляемых соединений — холестерола, сквалена, продуктов обмена половых гормонов, кортикостероидов и др.
We spent the whole day swimming and playing football by the lake. It was so much fun that we lost the track of time. Then Serezha and I went to pick berries and we were competing who was going to get more wild strawberries
My morning was no different from those I normally have. However, I knew there is an important test ahead. Our teacher of Maths calls it a final exam of the year. So, you can imagine how important it was for everyone. I spent a week preparing for this test. As I said, my morning went quite well, but since the time I stepped out into the street the minor problems and misfortunes began