I believe it is true that computers save us a lot of space and time. If you have a good modern computer with the Internet connection, it can replace a huge library with millions of books. This means that computers give us access to the wealth of information that is available on the Internet. They also allow us to analyze massive amounts of data very quickly, saving both our time and money.
Computers can be a great learning tool. For example, I regularly watch educational videos on the YouTube.
On the other hand, I understand those people who worry that we rely on computers too much and this habit can lead to problems with social interaction. That is why it is important to find middle ground between two extremes.
Я хожу в школу каждый день.
2. Usually I feed the horses.
Обычно я кормлю лошадей.
3. I see my friends every day.
Я вижу моих друзей каждый день.
4. At one (1) p.m. Masha usually has lunch.
В час дня Маша обычно обедает.
5. I like my little dog.
Я люблю свою маленькую собаку.
6. I don't want eat this apple.
Я не хочу есть это яблоко.
7. I can swim, walk and play football in summer.
Я могу плавать, гулять и играть в футбол летом.
8. I and my friends go to school together.
Я и мои друзья ходим в школу вместе.
9. Nick likes coffee and cakes.
Ник любит кофе и пирожные.
10. Kate has got a lot of cats.
У Кати есть много кошек.