Summer - a walk with friends. Summer - a fun game in the sun.Summer in the Urals was hot, so I with my family often swam in the river. We picnicked and sunbathed.In rainy weather, I walked without an umbrella, so wet. I did it on purpose, it is only in the hot summer, you can enjoy the rain and not freeze.The most colorful memories of summer began to march. I and 8 persons were traveling in the mountains. We have conquered the mountain Konzhak 1500 meters high. We looked at the stars every night, warming up by the fire and sleeping in tents.Summer 2016 has passed too quickly. But it has become one of the best periods of my life.
How are the things going on? Did something new happen in your life? Having received your letter, I wanted to answer it immediately. But I was working a lot during the last two weeks. So I was pressed for time and did not manage to carry out my intentions.
In my country spring has already set. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long. Being at work I always imagine myself strolling down some parks. I wish you could join me! It would be funny! Some days ago my friend advised me to read a very interesting book. I did it and I would like you to know this author. Are you ready to read good litterature?
Tell me more about your work and free time. Are you satisfied with all this? What are your plans for this summer? Maybe we will be able to meet one day?
Truly yours,
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Дорога Хелен,
Як ти поживаєш? Є що-небудь новеньке? Я хотіла відразу ж відповісти на твій лист, але в останні два тижні у мене було багато роботи. Часу не вистачало, щоб здійснити свої плани.
У нас вже прийшла весна. На вулиці тепло і сонячно цілий день. Під час роботи я постійно уявляю себе гуляє по різних парках. Я б хотіла, щоб ти склала мені компанію. Було б весело! Кілька днів тому подруга порадила мені почитати цікаву книгу. Я її прочитала і хотіла б познайомити тебе з цим автором. Ти готова читати хорошу літературу?
Розкажи мені більше про роботу та відпочинок. Тебе все влаштовує? Які в тебе плани на літо? Може, ми якось зустрінемося?