There are many different kinds of travel. Some of them are travel abroad and in their country. Many people travel abroad very often because it is entertaining and informative. But not everyone can efford to travel abroad because it is too expencive.
Because of that some people prefer a yometravel. It is also very fascinating. Travelling on his own country gives the opportunity to learn more about the the history and culture of their Motherland. But unfortunately the russian tourism has disadvantages. There are low maintenance, problems with roads, polluted beaches overpriced.
As for me, I prefer to travel abroad as well as for my country.
Dear frank, i would like to tell you now i resolved a conflict. the conflict was between me and my mother. i like sport. my mother against any sport. she banned me to go to the section. to solve i did the following: 1. brought many benefits sport 2. said that sport strengthens my health 3. showed diary with good grades 4. i promised to come home at the time 5. spoke calmly and confidently i could convince my mother what sport it good. i hope my experience will be useful for your readers. all the best, staisy
Стихийные бедствия могут возникать как независимо друг от друга, так и связанно: одно из них может повлечь за собой другое. некоторые из них часто возникают в результате деятельности человека (например, лесные и торфяные , производственные взрывы в горной местности, при строительстве плотин, закладке (разработке) карьеров, что зачастую приводит к оползням, снежным лавинам, обвалам ледников для меня это страшно! независимо от источника возникновения, стихийные бедствия характеризуются значительными масштабами и различной продолжительностью — от нескольких секунд и минут (землетрясения, снежные лавины, лимнологические катастрофы) до нескольких часов (сели), дней (оползни) и месяцев (наводнения).natural disasters can occur independently of each other, and connected: one of them can lead to another. some of them often result from human activities (e.g., forest and peat fires, industrial explosions in the highlands during the construction of dams, tab (development) quarries, which often leads to landslides, snow avalanches, landslides glaciers for me, it is scary! regardless of the source of origin, natural disasters are characterized by high levels and varying duration from several seconds and minutes (earthquakes, avalanches, limnological catastrophe) up to several hours (sat), days (landslides) and months (floods).
There are many different kinds of travel. Some of them are travel abroad and in their country. Many people travel abroad very often because it is entertaining and informative. But not everyone can efford to travel abroad because it is too expencive.
Because of that some people prefer a yometravel. It is also very fascinating. Travelling on his own country gives the opportunity to learn more about the the history and culture of their Motherland. But unfortunately the russian tourism has disadvantages. There are low maintenance, problems with roads, polluted beaches overpriced.
As for me, I prefer to travel abroad as well as for my country.