sadness: Sadness, because of the global pandemic, I can’t walk with my friends.
depression: I can’t stand it, I love him, but he doesn’t want to reciprocate, he drives me into depression.
embarrassment: I felt so embarrassed when the wind lifted my skirt.
nervousness: My friend has such nervousness, three children is not easy.
anger: He is incredibly anger at the sight of these girls
fear: Fear is that feeling that he experiences when going to the board
jealousy: So jealous of her, it seems I'll kill her sometime
happin: I was so happin when mom cut my hair
1. The freshman was laughed at by the senior students.
2. The headmistress was spoken by the group yesterday.
3. Their babies were looked after by these young mothers with great care.
4. That old house was lived in by nobody.
5. Our friend was thought about by us all the time.
6. He will be operated on by the doctor in a week.
7. The pupil*s parents were sent for by the teacher.
8. The purse was looked for by them everywhere.
9. The letter was asked for by the neighbour.
10. The weather is often spoken about by them.
11. The lecturer was listened to by everybody with great attention.
It was a rainy day. I didn't want to go out, but my friend Jacob convinced me to join him. When we were walking through the alleys, it was impossible not to step in the puddles and dirt. My shoes got all wet, so we decided to go have cup of coffee somewhere. Jacob showed me his favourite place in town. It was nice and warm inside, and the coffee was really good. The rain didn't bother me so much anymore.
Был дождливый день. Я не хотел выходить на улицу, но мой друг Джейкоб убедил меня присоединиться к нему. Когда мы шли по аллеям, невозможно было не ступить по лужам и грязи. Мои туфли промокли, поэтому мы решили пойти куда-нибудь выпить кофе. Джейкоб показал мне свое любимое место в городе. Внутри было приятно и тепло, и кофе был действительно хорош. Дождь меня больше не беспокоил.