1.F( Instead of wasting our time staying at home watching TV and playing computer games as usual,) 2.T(After getting permission from our parents) 3. F( we began planning our trip.) 4.F(We made a list of all the food and supplies we would need and spent an entire afternoon searching for the best place to buy our camping equipment.) 5.T( In the end, our tent, stove and sleeping bags cost a lot of money, but it was worth it) 6.F( my Uncle Bob was kind enough to drive us to the campsite ) 7.F(We knew it would take us a couple of hours to get there and Irvin and I grew more and more excited as we got closer to where we were going() 8.T(Then, after a bit of trouble and a lot of laughter) 9.F(- tinned spaghetti - we both agreed it was the best food) 10.F(A short time later, warm and comfortable in our sleeping bags, we quickly fell asleep and dreamed about what our great adventure would bring. )
One of my favorite sport activity is a football. During a summer I prefer to play football outside with my friends. Usually before to play we discuss about future game and our plans for win. This summer I tried first time to play frisbee. Frisbee is a low-contact team sport played with a flying disc. Frisbee is a popular sport in United Kingdom, Australia and USA. in Russia this kind of sport is not so popular. Frisbee’s rules are similar with football rules. Players are thrown a disc to each teamplayer and trying to cross a line for win. Even it is sound easily to catch and thrown a disc, in real life is not so easy and require a lot of training and passion.
Короче типа твой любимый спорт это футбол, ты обычно играешь с друзьями и бла бла Но этим летом ты попробовал поиграть во ФРИСБИ. Очень популярный спорт в сша, Австралия и ЮК. Твои впечатления что вроде это фигня бросать диск туда сюда, но на самом деле оказалось очень сложно.
to pass
После глагола seem всегда используется инфинитив.
В данном случае после глагола stop нужен герундий.