Yesterday I went with my sister to buy something for her birthday. She didn't really know what to get but she seemed to like the idea of a pet, so we went to the nearest pet shop. She started looking around at all the animals. The man in the shop let her pick up the rabbits and stroke the hamsters, but when she saw some puppies playing in a box, she said that she would like to have one of them. I didn't know if we had enough money to buy one and I hoped my mother wouldn't object to have a dog in the house, but my sister promised to look after it properly and we did have enough money, so we bought a little brown dog. The man gave us a special brush for brushing him and some special food. Tomorrow we're going to take Splash to the beach.
Киты отличаются гигантскими размерами тела, самыми большими среди всех млекопитающих. И все же вес и длина туловища зависит от вида. Например, размер синего кита (самого большого млекопитающего в мире) составляет 33 метра, а весит кит около 150 тонн. При этом маленький карликовый кит весит всего 3-3,5 тонны