1. Look outside. It snow . Everything is beautiful and all white. 2. Myfather need the 8:15 train into the city every weekday morning. 3.On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I walk to work for the exercise. EveryMonday, Wednesday, and Friday, I drive my car to work. 4. A: Charlie,can’t you hear the telephone? Answer it! B: You get it! I see myfavorite TV show. I don’t want to miss anything. 5. A: What kind oftea do you like? B: Well, I’m drinking black tea, but I take greentea. 6. I’m gaining weight around my waist. These pants are tootight. I prefer a larger pair of pants. 7. A: Dinner’s ready. Pleasecall the children. B: Where are they? A: They play a game outside inthe street. 8. It’s night. There’s no moon. Emily is outside. Shelook at the sky. She see more stars than she can count. 9. Michaelhas a good voice. Sometimes he sing with a musical group in town.It’s a good way to earn a little extra money. 10. A: Ouch! B:What’s the matter? A: Every time I eat too fast, I bite my tongue.11. Alicia always write in her diary after dinner. 12. Thank you foryour help in algebra. Now I understand that lesson. 13. This magazineisn’t mine. It belong to Colette. 14. I can see a rainbow becausethe sun shine and it rain at the same time.
коут ов амз ов нью ˈзилэнд
зэ фёст стейт ˈемблэм ов нью ˈзилэнд
ит уоз ˈентэд ин 1911. ин зэ ˈкантри юзд ит
фо 45 йиэз зен зэ ˈкэриктэ уоз
ит из риˈплейст зис ˈвёшэн уёкс энд ˈпрезнтли,
ит ˌреприˈзентс э бод уич уиз уан
зэ сайдз ит из риˈтейнд бай зэ блонд ˈуумэн, энд уиз
эˈназэ * зэ ˈсоулджэр ов ˈмaури ˈоувэр ит ˈсетлз дaун
сейнт eduard's крaун энд фром биˈлоу * ту ˈбранчиз
фён коут ов амз, эз уэл эз флэг ов нью ˈзилэнд,
хи из ˈвери мач исˈтимд ин зис ˈкантри, хиэ
ˈсимбэлайзиз кэˈмитмэнт ов инˈхэбитэнтс ту
ˈмонэки энд ˈолсоу ˈхамэни зэт ит диˈвелэпт
биˈтуин зэ ˈлоукэл ˈпипл