My hobbies is a reading. Since s was a child my parents read me book. My parents read me every day and instilled a love of books ine I like to read fiction books. Books are my friends they never leave ne side.I really enjoying to imagine myself as a main character. They have the power to help us travel through worlds without moving from our placesI have a small library at home.Most of my relatives and friends know that the best birthday gift that they can give me books and with their generosity I have over a hundred books in my personal library now.
In a winter storm,
I keep your neck warm.
What am I?
(Answer: SCARF)
В непогоду зимой,
Я согрею твою шею.
Что я?
(ответ: ШАРФ)
I start with the letter J,
and keep you warm on a cold day.
What am I?
(Answer: JACKET)
Я начинаюсь с буквы С
Согрею я тебя в холодный день.
Что я?
(ответ: СВИТЕР
We protect your hands from snow and ice.
Fingers think we’re very nice.
What are we?
(Answer: MITTENS)
Мы защищаем твои руки от снега и льда.
Пальчики считают, мы отличная вещь.
Что мы такое?
I start with the letter B,
and your feet go inside of me.
What am I?
(Answer: BOOTS)
Я начинаюсь с буквы Б,
и твои ноги входят в меня.
Что я?
(ответ: БОТИНКИ)
We can’t help your nose but,
We’re very good at warming toes.
What are we?
(Answer: SOCKS)
Твоему носу мы не можем,
А твои пальцы на ногах согреем.
Что мы?
(ответ: НОСКИ
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