Пингвины откладывают яйца и имеют крылья, подобно другим птицам,но они не могут летать. Они могут очень хорошо плавать. Они черного-белого цвета, имеют маленькие крылья, очень короткие ноги и короткий хвост. У них очень густые перья, что им сохранять свое тепло даже в холодной воде. Они весят около 20 кг. Пингвины выглядят забавными, когда они ходят. В тоже время, когда они находятся в воде, они плавают как рыбы. Пингвины живут во льдах Антарктиды и в морях вокруг нее. Они живут большими группами и питаются рыбой. Они живут около 20 лет.
1. He said that he confessed to being a shopaholic. 2. He said that wanted to tell me that every time he saw me shining like a candle in the night. 3. She said that he was terribly sorry for the things he had done. 4. He said that it was a beautiful fish and they should let it go. 5. He said that he was sorry to say that he didn't believe them and he never would. 6. He said that the inspector had worked hard, but it hadn't got him anywhere. 7. He said that that film was a work of fiction. 8. He asked me to kiss him goodbye. 9. He said that they were having a very lazy time. 10. He said that David had seen a flying saucer the previous summer. 11. He said that he had a chronic headache and that his organism needed a painkiller. She advised him to take that pill and said that it would have an immediate effect though it might have some side effects as well.
1 mushroom
2 cake
3 peas
4 egg
5 crisps