New Year's Eve in Scotland. In Scotland New Year is very important holiday. Scots take New Year's Eve very seriously. There is a New Year Eve Fire Festival; men parade with blazing tar (burning barrels of tar), they throw them into a great bonfire. The "First Foot" then set out.In Scotland "first foot" is a common custom; it is considered lucky if a dark haired man is the first to set foot in the house after midnight, bringing a coin, piece of bread, or a lump of coal as a symbol of plenty for the year.
1. Repeat this rule. It is very important.
Указательная функция; как личное местоимение.2. Your solution of this task is correct. Explain it, please.
Указательная функция; как слово "это".3. It was cold in the laboratory yesterday.
"It" в начале безличного предложения.4. In England it rains more often than it snows.
"It" в начале безличного предложения (в обоих случаях).5. What is this? It is a new computer.
Как слово "это"; как личное местоимение.В.
1. It is difficult to say which month is the best.
"It" в начале безличного предложения.2. It is my brother who works at this plant as an engineer.
Как личное местоимение; указательная функция.3. It will take them plenty of time to solve the problem.
"It" в начале безличного предложения.4. What is there on the wall? It is a clock.
Как личное местоимение.5. It was reported that the delegation had arrived in Kyiv.
"It" в начале безличного предложения.
1 Her name is Nazifa
2 She is from Kazakhstan
3 She is likes skating and going hiking
4 She wants to be the first woman astronaut is Kazakhstan