К сожалению, если вы будете учить по 20 слов в день толку не будет. Вы можете путать слова, большая нагрузка на мозг и вы не поймёте КАК использовать их. Попробуйте учить по несколько слов день из одной темы. Допустим возьмите тему одежда и выручите несколько слов. Попробуйте использовать эти слова в контексте. Самое главное учите граматику, без неё никак. Present Simple, Past Simple и Present Continuous самые главные времена. Они как база. Читайте лёгкие тексты. Надеюсь как-то Если что-то непонятно, можете задать вопрос.
14. He would have been punished if he had not escaped. 15. She persuaded him to be so late. 16. He would have built a house if he could. 17. If the weather changed, we would not stay at home all day. 18. If she told everything, the 1st would be better. 19. It would be easier for him if he played sports. 20. She would have fallen if he had not supported her. 21. The hat would have been blown away by the wind if it had not been caught by a passerby. 22. If she didn't have a dog herself, she would be scared. 23. She wouldn't believe it if she didn't see it with her own eyes. 24. It would be better if you perceived everything more calmly. 25. A dress would not be so beautiful if she chose a different fabric.
1. A new concert hall was built in the capital city by them.
2. Our musical dictations were checked by the teacher yesterday.
3. Two tickets to the concert were bought by my parents last week.
4. A new album was recovered by Tina Karol last month.
5. These photographs were given me by Peter two days ago.