In fact some of the world's largest indoor sko slopes It covers an area of 22,500m which is about
the same size as three football pitches, and the
temperature is a coristant - to -2°C. However, the
strangest thing about this place is that it's in the
middle of the desert it's called Ski Dubai and the
outside temperatures can rise to more than 40°C
sounds crazy, but it just shows how serious people
are about having fun. We spend uge sums on
facilities. We pay our sports stars ridiculous
amounts of money. And we spend hour after hour
yg games although we know there are millions
of people in the world with no water to drink and no
Tood to eat
It makes me wonderf af the sports-lovers and
game-players in the world aren't a little bit obsessed
know I am suffer from a very common obsession
called football. It inade me fresh my car. I was
driving past a football pitch where some kids were
playing. I turned to watch and smas id dight into
the car in front of met can't help it ce someone
playing football, and te jest got to stop and stare,
know it's stupid, but cont do anything about it.
T'm addicted. As someone once said, "Football isn't
a matter of life and death it's much more important
than that!
and games help us to relax. Maybe if it wasn't for
sport, our societies would be more violent. Perhaps
sport is a substitute for war? It's hard to think of
a quieter, more peaceful game than chess, and yet
what's the objective? Capturing your opponent's
king. And surely, it's better to have wars in athletics
stadiums rather than on battlefields? Even if we do
have to put up with football hooligans.
What's more, playing is natural. Kittens chase balls
ol wool and puppies pretend to fight Games help
os perfect our skills and prepare us for the serious
contest of survival. They are a rehearsal for real life
But do all games help us relax and make us less
violent? What about computer games? A recent
article in New Scientist suggests that playing violent
video games and most of them are extremely
violent) makes people more aggressive, more likely
to commit violent crimes and less likely to help
Are these games a rehearsal for life or a substitute
for life? Do we play instead of facing up to our real
problems? Are games nothing more than an escape
from boredom? And if that's so, then what will
become of us in the future? Will games become so
realistic that we won't be able to distinguish reality
from virtual reality? Will they become so attractive
that we will want to spend most of our time inside
an artificial world? A Matrix
Of course, it isn't that important really. No game
is. But the problem is that games are addictive
From the boxing ring to the skating rink, and from
the tennis court to the golf course, you'll find
participants and spectators who can't live without
the drug of their choice. It could be a good thing
After al despite being addictive, it's true that sports
I don't know. But what I do know is that I need
a break. Something to help me relax. Sking would
be nice. I wonder how much it costs to get to Dubai
We have in the school cafeteria they sell delicious and varied food. The management of school forbade that sold harmful products. Therefore, all meals are prepared by our chefs and bakers. You need to eat right, because what you eat, affects your health and body.
Food is and will be one of the most basic needs in everyone's life. If we take as a school snack, we have healthy food. It is necessary to try to abandon all products containing harmful food additives and fast food.
Healthy foods – fish, cheese, vegetables, fruit and more, what is good for us, there is a need of every student. This is what you need for the full development of the young organism.
У нас в школьной столовой продают очень вкусную и разнообразную еду. Руководство школы запретили, чтоб продавали вредные продукты. Поэтому всю еду готовят наши повара и пекари. Нужно правильно питаться, ведь то что ты ешь, отражается на твоём здоровье и организме.
Еда является и будет являться одной из самых главных потребностей в жизни каждого. Если что мы берём с собой в школу перекусить, то есть нужно только здоровую пищу. Нужно стараться отказаться от всех продуктах содержащих вредные пищевые добавки и от фаст- фуда.
Полезные продукты – рыба, творог, овощи, фрукты и многое другое, то что для нас полезно, нужно есть каждому школьнику. Это то, что нужно для полноценного развития молодого организма.