1 From the top of the Bayterek Tower you can see 2 A famous mosque in Nur-Sultan is the 3 The Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre looks like a .. 4 Inside, there is 5 There is also an outdoor .. 6 You can go ice skating at
This is a quotation from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The meaning of the statement is that while the ugly things your enemies may say about you may hurt at the time, you will eventually forget the person along with what they said. But if your Friends are silent when you need their help, need someone to stand by you and speak up in your support that is a hurt that you can't forget. An application of this is in bullying. Friends will stand together against bullying, a false friend will remain silent.
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The meaning of the statement is that while the ugly things your enemies may say about you may hurt at the time, you will eventually forget the person along with what they said. But if your Friends are silent when you need their help, need someone to stand by you and speak up in your support that is a hurt that you can't forget.
An application of this is in bullying. Friends will stand together against bullying, a false friend will remain silent.