1. I ride a scooter when I'm in a good mood. 2. I am learning to go rollerskating. 3. My hobby - do jigsaw puzzles. It's very exciting! 4. In the summer I love to go on activity holiday! 5. I have never tried scuba diving. 6. This weekend my sister and I go camping in the woods.
E fond of watching TV. Others say that television is becoming a national disease. Every day millions of people watch TV and find it the best way of entertainment. Why is television so popular? There is always a great variety of programs on TV: news and sports programs, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances. Besides, there are a lot of excellent educational programs for children and teenagers. They help them improve their knowledge, transfer them to different places and develop their imagination and creativity.
But! There are a lot of silly programs and commercials on TV which stuff our heads with nonsense. Some people don't choose what they watch and they are glued to the screen the whole days. Watching television can be addictive as well as smoking or drinking coffee. This fact lets some people affirm that television is becoming a national disease. The other problem is that there is too much violence on TV. Every day we are reported about natural disasters, murders and robberies. We watch hits where people are killed before our very eyes. It dulls our sensitivity and makes us aggressive. To conclude, it's up to you to decide what to watch and how much time to spend in front of the TV-set. All in all, television can be very dangerous when it is misused. That is why it is very important to choose programs that we watch very carefully and to limit our viewing time.
В 'цехе' фабрикиЗдесь производится продукция. Современные заводы имеют меньше рабочих, чем в это связано с автоматизацией (= машины делают большую часть работы), и большинство заводов используют сборочный конвейер (расположение, в котором каждый рабочий делает часть продукта, а затем передает его следующему лицу или машине). На сборочном конвейере рабочие устанавливают/собирают различные детали, а руководители (ответственные/управляющие) проверяют/осматривают/проверяют каждый этап, чтобы убедиться, что продукт соответствует требуемому стандарту (достаточно хорош).Готовая продукцияТовары (pi) - общее слово, используемое для товаров, которые производятся для продажи. Когда изделие, например, радио, закончено, оно упаковывается (помещается в пластик, а затем в коробку) и хранится на складе. Когда клиент, например, электрический магазин, заказывает некоторые из этих товаров, они доставляются в магазин (доставляется в магазин) с дороги или Раи.
2. I am learning to go rollerskating.
3. My hobby - do jigsaw puzzles. It's very exciting!
4. In the summer I love to go on activity holiday!
5. I have never tried scuba diving.
6. This weekend my sister and I go camping in the woods.