правильный вариант второй!
1. social life; 2. stew; 3. calories; 4. consuming; 5. overweight; 6. advertising; 7. fat
Nowadays we live fast. We always go running everywhere. We are really busy, we work, we have children, we do housework, we study and we have an intense (1) social life.
We don´t have enough time for us and finally, we have bad eating habits because it is faster to cook a hamburger than to cook a good (2) stew. It is faster to eat a sandwich than to eat a big salad.
A lot of times we need to eat out and fast food is cheaper or we often go out with friends and we eat too much and we drink alcohol. Also, in these days, there are all kinds of food in the supermarkets, food with a lot of (3) calories like pizzas, chocolates, ice-creams, cakes, buns or chips. Young people like this type of food very much. But they are (4) consuming a lot of calories in a few grams. And they can become (5) overweight.
On the other hand, at present, we have more information about what´s better to eat or what´s worse to eat. There are (6) advertisig campaigns about eating fruits and vegetables, fish, low (7) fat food, etc.