Ronald and Mary were driving along a quiet country road in Southern England. They were on the way to Westberry. It was nearly midnight. “Ron! Look over there! There is something in the sky. What is it?” “I do no know what it is. It is probably a plane.” “I do not think so, it is too big and too bright.” “Oh, no!” “What’s the matter?” “The engine stopped.” “Why did it stop?” “I do not know. I must find a garage. Is there one near here?” “Yes, there is one in the next village. I am not sure if it is open. It is very late.”
Suddenly there was a loud noise and a big bright silver object flew low over their car. It stopped in mid-air, loomed round, then flew straight up into the sky and disappeared.
“Oh, Ron! What was that?” “Don't ask me. I have got no idea what it was” “I frightened. Let’s go.” “We can’t. The engine does not work”. “Try it again.” “That is strange! It is OK now. I wonder why it did not work”. “Do you think it was a UFO?” “I do not know I really do not know. We shall phone the police”. “Ron! Do you think they'll believe us?”