Present Indefinite – My eldest sister works at the psychological center.
Present Continuous – I am hearing a lesson material and writing an abstract at the moment.
Present Perfect – Have you ever lost your key?
Present Perfect Continuous – He has been preparing for the test since lunch.
Past Indefinite – We danced all the time
Past Continuous – We were having dinner at five o'clock yesterday
Past Perfect – She had phoned me by that time
Past Perfect Continuous – ...
Future Indefinite – I promise, we'll discuss the plan tomorrow.
Future Continuous – He will be working at 8 tomorrow
Future Perfect – ...
Future Perfect Continuous – ...
значок "..." – означает, что я не могу дать ответ, т.к. на это уйдет некоторое время, которое я не хочу тратить
1. Her father isn't watching TV at the moment. He is sleeping, because he is tired.
2. Where do your uncle work? – He works at school.
3. Is your friend doing his homework now?
4. When do you usually come home from school? – I come at 4 o'clock.
5. My sister isn't playing the piano now. She plays the piano in the evening.
6. Are you reading a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?
7. I am sitting in the waiting room at the dentist's now.
8. When do you listen to the news on the radio?
9. Are you playing chess now?
10. My father works at the shop.
11. Look at the sky: the clouds are moving slowly, the sun is appearing from behind the clouds, it is getting warmer.
12. I don't drink coffee in the evening. I drink coffee in the morning.
13. What is your friend doing now? – She is washing the dishes.
14. Do your grandfather work at this factory?