Task. Write a review of a book which you have read recently.Write 4 paragraphs using the plan below: Paragraph 1: Introduction а'd like to recommend. Рaragraph2: Details The book is... (Summary of the book without thе end) Рaragraph3: Opinions The things I liked most... Рaragraph 4: All in all, The book I recently read is written by The story is a (Tуре
1) Некоторые библиотеки были основаны королями и президентами. Passive: were founded 2) Книга была опубликована в 1890. Passive: was published 3) Эта работа будет завершена в марте. Passive: will be finished 4) Ваш/твой факс на данный момент находится в состоянии отправления (на данный момент пересылается). Passive: is being sent 5) Это письмо не будет отправлено до завтрашнего дня. Passive: won't be sent 6) Все мои друзья приглашены на эту вечеринку. Passive: are invited 7) Все отчеты в ООН переводятся на китайский. Passive: are translated 8) Когда он вошел в комнату, его письмо читалось. Passive: was being read 9) Мы все надеемся, что твоя потерянная собака будет вскоре найдена. Passive: will be found
Shop-assistant: What can I do for you?
You: I would like to buy something for my little sister.
Shop-assistant: Well, how old is she?
You: Tomorrow she will be 4.
Shop-assistant: Really? What about this pretty doll?
You: Oh, no! There are ten or fifteen dolls in our flat. They are everywhere: on the sofa, on the chair, on the computer...
Shop-assistant: Sorry, it's awful. Well, what about this drum?
You: Oh, no! It's so noisy!
Shop-assistant: Let me see. Oh, look! A teddy-bear.
You: Never! She has seven or nine taddy-bears.
Shop-assistant: Well, I don't know...May be puzzles?
You: Yes! Wonderful! Two ... No! Three! How much do they cost?
Shop-assistant: Three dollars.
You: Here you are.
Shop-assistant: Well, your change...
You: Thank you.
Shop-assistant: You are welcome!