Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Continuous (задание) 1) The photographers (take the pictures)
2) It was a terrible sight.
3) The builders (build) the Titanic from1909 till 1912.
4) The first class passengers (swim) in the pool, (play) squash, (have) dinner
in the restaurant or cafe, and (engage) in the gymnastic halls.
5) All the newspaper wrote about the event: Titanic disaster great loss of life.
6) A dream ship was built.
7) The Survivors (float) in lifeboats for several hours.
8) The night of April 14, 1912 the lookouts (report) to the bridge about the
iceberg ahead.
9) They found her on 1 September 1985. It was the scientist Robert Ballard.
10) The Initiator of the construction of ships of class "Olympic" was Joseph
Bruce Ismay.
11) On April 10 in 1912 the Titanic (make) her first and only voyage from
England to New York.
12) The water began to fill the ship.
13) The ship (sink) during 2 hours and 20 minutes.
14) The builders (welcome) the ship’s descent on the water enthusiastically.
15) The ship "Carpathia" picked them up.
16) The passengers (stand) on the deck, were cheering, and (wave) their hats.
17) 1517 people died that night. 710 people survived.
18) Chief designer Thomas Andrews was developing project documentation.
favorite subject essay
Physical education is my favorite subject, and not because there is not homework and does not ask the Board for a new material. Just that this lesson need not silently to sit at a Desk for a long time to write and listen to is not always clear to the teacher's explanation. It requires another to run, jump, tumble, and sometimes even to crawl! Surprisingly, you scream and play in different fun games, and you for it is also reward good grades!
Our gym is spacious and high. Rings and parallel bars, ropes and wall bars, balls and nets, rods and mats — it's just a Paradise for boys! And girls don't miss them aerobics and elements of rhythmic gymnastics, hoops and skipping ropes. Although among them there are athletes that many of the boys will give odds in running and swimming, jumping and even power the gym!
So, Jogging to the locker room, quickly change and go to the gym! And there is still time before the call to compete with your friends on the mats, to spin "the wheel", walk on hands, ride on the rope. How nice to move how great it is to feel the muscle tension and tiredness at the end of the lesson! Long live physical culture!