Результаты поиска
Я очень хорошо рисую
Мне нало написать сочинение
Птицы умеют летать
Я люблю плавть в море.
Я бы хотела научиться петь.
Я выпила полстакана воды.
Я считала воробушков
Я седела и читала книгу.
Я выбежала ищ класса как только прозвенел звонок
YA ochen' khorosho risuyu
Mne nalo napisat' sochineniye
Ptitsy umeyut letat'
YA lyublyu plavt' v more.
YA by khotela nauchit'sya pet'.
YA vypila polstakana vody.
YA schitala vorobushkov
YA sedela i chitala knigu.
YA vybezhala ishch klassa kak tol'ko prozvenel zvonok
I draw very well
I have to write an essay
Birds can fly
I like to swim in the sea.
I would like to learn to sing.
I drank half a glass of water.
I counted sparrows
I sat down and read a book.
I ran out looking for class as soon as the bell rang
1'cause he fooled Fat
2 to grocer's
3Mrs Pie
4 he saw a bun in Fat's hand
5 Yeah
a)any rolls and buns
b) to the grocer's
c)opened his mouth
d)cookes them
e)cook tasty buns
f c b d e g a
Fat came into the baker's shop. He wanted to buy some buns and rolls, but there were nither rolls nor buns. He was very sad. He went to the grocer's where he met Mrs Pie who tought him how to cook buns.At the evening he told that to Funny.
--Hello, little boy.Why are you so sad?
--Hello, Madam. I'm sad because there are no rolls or buns in the baker's
--Ah, really? Such a pity. I really like buns. Could you please take some floor and sugar. Let's go to my house. I'll teach you how to cook buns! That is that I usually do. I don't buy buns, I bake them.
--Thank you very much!
They are simmilar to me. And I don't have friends.