Надеюсь если я все правильно понял, то все ок)
Если будут вопросы напишите комментарий (постараюсь вам )
1) А) Ты можешь присмотреть за своей младшей сестрой сегодня
днем? У меня назначена встреча в Лондоне.
В) Хорошо, но , не (слишком) поздно, потому что вечером у меня вечеринка.
1) A) Can you look after your little sister
this afternoon? I have an appointment in London.
В) OK, but please don't be (too) late, because I have a party tonight.
2) А) Что вы делали вчера? Ты (ходил) гулял со
своими друзьями в парке?
Б) Нет, я этого не делал. Я вышел в интернет и (после)
нашел свою новую группу.
2) A) What did you do yesterday? Did you (go) for a walk with
your friends in the park?
B) No, I didn't do that. I went online and (after)
found my new band.
3) A) Я пытаюсь (заполнить) эту форму онлайн, но мой
компьютер не работает, я не могу этого сделать!
Б) Не надо (торопиться)! Распечатайте форму и отправьте ее.
3) A) I am trying to fill out this form online, but my
computer is not working, I can't do it!
B) Don't (hurry up) Print out the form and send it.
4) А) Мой кот (удивил меня) вчера. Он сел в местный
автобус и поехал в город.
Б) Как ты (его нашел и) где он был?
А) Водитель автобуса увидел бирку у него на ошейнике и позвонил мне.
4) A) My cat (surprised me) yesterday. He got on a local
bus and drove to the city.
B) How did you (find him and) where was he?
A) The bus driver saw the tag on his collar and called me.
5) А Ты (потерял) что-то?
Б) Да, это так. Я не могу найти свои праздничные фотографии.
А) О-о! Ты (ходил) в какое-нибудь милое местечко?
В) Да, мы это сделали. Мы отправились в Португалию.
5) Have You (lost) something?
B) Yes, it is. I can't find my holiday photos.
A) Oh! Did you (go) to some nice place?
C) Yes, we did it. We went to Portugal.
ответ: Hi, today I'm going to tell you about how I met my childhood best friend at school! It was like this: I have been friends with my friend since childhood, whose name is Max. He is very friendly, always helped me in different situations. It was literally impossible to separate us, we played with him until night. One day Max said he was moving to another country. He said we'd never see each other again. I was very upset, I now had no one to spend my time with. I've been without a friend ever since. I was walking alone on the street, I didn't communicate with any of the guys. Soon I went to school. Days and years passed. One day I was transferred to another school. I was not very happy about it, as I was transferred because of my bad behavior. And so, I go into another class, sit down with a boy who looks so much like my best friend in childhood. We recognized each other right away. I was in shock. He told me that he had moved back to his hometown and invited me to go to the cinema with him. I immediately agreed to it. We went to the cinema with him. He told me that we hadn't seen each other for a very long time. Since then we have been together again.Hi, today I'm going to tell you about how I met my childhood best friend at school! It was like this: I have been friends with my friend since childhood, whose name is Max. He is very friendly, always helped me in different situations. It was literally impossible to separate us, we played with him until night. One day Max said he was moving to another country. He said we'd never see each other again. I was very upset, I now had no one to spend my time with. I've been without a friend ever since. I was walking alone on the street, I didn't communicate with any of the guys. Soon I went to school. Days and years passed. One day I was transferred to another school. I was not very happy about it, as I was transferred because of my bad behavior. And so, I go into another class, sit down with a boy who looks so much like my best friend in childhood. We recognized each other right away. I was in shock. He told me that he had moved back to his hometown and invited me to go to the cinema with him. I immediately agreed to it. We went to the cinema with him. He told me that we hadn't seen each other for a very long time. Since then we have been together again.
2 I dont know