Choose the correct particle. 1. The scientists are still carrying away/out tests on their new invention.
2. Peter backed down/about when he realised he was wrong.
3. Whatever you do, don't ever give out/up!
4. Ulan came up/across some old newspaper articles on Thomas Edison.
5. I must cut out/down on red meat and fried food.
6. The university was set across/up over three hundred years ago.
7. This medical nanobot will take from/over all the functions of a doctor.
8. Ulan has set aside/down some money to buy the new book about the brain.
2) A well-known scientist works (verb -показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite;) at this plant
3)The workers' (noun - показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного )salary here is very modest