Read the article about online newspapers. Six sentences are missing from the article. Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence. News online
For many people, buying and reading a newspaper is part of their daily routine. They enjoy spending time searching the pages for interesting political stories, laughing at cartoons, catching up with the latest sports results and reading about celebrity scandals. They take their newspaper into work, on the bus or into a café, and reading it over breakfast is a tradition for many people. (1) ……………………… Or is it?
There has been a news revolution going on over the last few years. (2) ……………………… Some newspapers started putting their reports online and now nearly all the major newspapers have online versions. We can access most of these free of charge from laptops, mobile phones and other hand-held devices. (3) ………………………
However, the popularity of online news is being tested. Because news is now so widely available online, newspapers are losing money. Fewer people are buying newspapers so companies have to spend more to maintain their websites. And because Internet news contains videos and graphics, the costs are even higher. (4) ………………………
The newspapers have a difficult choice to make. Will people continue to visit their sites if they have to pay? Will they visit another newspaper’s site which is still free? (5) ……………………… Experts do not agree on what is going to happen.
(6) ……………………… Others, however, have said that this step is inevitable and soon we shall have to pay more for information that we find online. We’ll have to wait to see what happens.
AMany say that the idea of the Internet is to allow people to have free information and they will not
agree to pay for it.
BWill they start buying newspapers again?
CSo why should we pay for newspapers anymore?
DUnsurprisingly some of the big papers have started charging people to read their newspapers online.
EPeople started turning to the Internet to provide them with a daily news report.
FYou can learn more than just facts from a newspaper.
GThe newspaper is part of our culture.
The weather is a subject we can always talk about. It often changes and brings cold and heat, sunshine and rain, frost and snow. One day is often unlike the next. In summer the sun shines, often there is no wind and there are no clouds in the sky which is blue and beautiful. We can see stars and the moon at night and people like walks, outdoor games and sports in the fresh air.
When autumn comes, the days become shorter and colder. It gets dark earlier and often heavy clouds cover the sky bringing rain with them.
Sometimes there is heavy rain, so that an umbrella or a raincoat is necessary if we don't want to get wet through. Then you can hear people say, "What bad weather! When is this rain going to stop?" Many people then catch cold and must go to bed. Then a fire at home is so pleasant. At last frost and snow come.
Fields, forests and houses are covered with snow and rivers and lakes with ice. But spring again brings sunshine and warm winds. Sometimes it snows but snow will not remain long, it will melt in the warm sun. Spring will bring bright sunshine, green grass and flowers.
We usually say: "A nice day", "Not a bad day" or "It's nice weather for the time of the year" if the weather is fine.
We can say: "It looks like rain", "It looks like snow" of "It's bad weather" when the weather is bad.