ответ: 1. We escorted him to the airport.
2. We had to stop our trip because we ran out of gas.
3. She wanted to wear a new dress.
4. I don't like to put things off.
5. The conference was canceled at the last moment.
6. I'll look it up in the dictionary.
7. He filled out the form and signed it.
8. He decided to continue the lecture.
9. We all asked him to stop Smoking.
10. I just tried on these shoes. It's not my size.
11. She turned off the TV because the children hadn't learned their lessons yet.
12. The old man asked everyone to speak up.
13. The police officer signaled to stop, but the driver kept driving.
14. Don't forget to return the disk you took from your friend.
15. The boy said that he wanted to enroll in the tennis section.
16. Winter came. It's time to put away the summer things.
17. Old people often remember the past and are sad.
18. It is very important to extinguish the fire in the first minutes.
19. I couldn't turn on the TV because I forgot to plug it in.
20. Never go back to where you were happy.
He entered the Stanford University. | don’t like fast food, that’s why | don’t eat at the McDonald's. We visited the Uspensky Cathedral. You must visit the St Paul’s Cathedral in London. We visited the Buckingham Palace. The Great Wall of China is more than twenty kilometers long. Have you been to the Museum of Modern Art in New York? Last week | was in the Manchester Cathedral. We met Peter Smith in the Trafalgar Square, near the National Gallery. An English painter Thomas Gainsborough painted beautiful pictures. 10.Capability Brown, a famous garden designer, designed wonderful gardens and parks in England. 11.Rudyard Kipling,an English writer, wrote many books for children. 12. A Scottish engineer Alexander Bell invented telephone. 13.Norman Foster,the most famous British architect, has designed a lot of buildings which you can see all over the world
Значительные первоначальные затраты. Хотя электростанции постепенно окупаются, стоят они довольно дорого. Проблема частично решается льготными кредитами.
Доступ к солнечному свету ограничен в определенное время: утром, ночью, при плохой погоде.
Дорогостоящие аккумуляторы для длительного хранения полученной электроэнергии.
Производство электростанций связано с потенциальным риском загрязнения окружающей среды.
Необходимость использование редких материалов.
Для установки панелей нужно выделить определенное пространство.
Disadvantages: Significant upfront costs. While power plants are gradually paying off, they are quite expensive. The problem is partially solved by soft loans. Access to sunlight is limited at certain times: in the morning, at night, in bad weather. Expensive batteries for long-term storage of the received electricity. The production of power plants is associated with a potential risk of environmental pollution. The need to use rare materials. To install the panels, you need to allocate a certain space.
Возобновляемость. Источник энергии – ближайшая к нам звезда. В отличие от невозобновляемых источников энергии (ядерное топливо, нефть, газ, уголь), запасы солнечной энергии практически неисчерпаемы. Во всяком случае, еще около 5 млрд лет.
Изобилие. Поверхность планеты получает около 120000 тераватт солнечной энергии. Это примерно в 20000 раз больше, чем используется нами.
Стабильность. Не имеет значения, насколько интенсивно мы будем использовать энергию солнца. Можете быть уверенными – будущим поколениям ее тоже хватит.
Экологичность. Использование солнечной энергии обычно не связано с загрязнением окружающей среды. Это важный шаг в борьбе с климатическим кризисом.
Renewability. The source of energy is the star closest to us. Unlike renewable energy sources (nuclear fuel, oil, gas, coal), solar energy reserves are practically inexhaustible. In any case, about another 5 billion years. Abundance. The surface receives about 120,000 terawatts of solar energy. This is about 20,000 times what we are using. Stability. It doesn't matter how much we use the sun's energy. You can be sure that it will be enough for future generations too. Environmental friendliness. The use of solar energy is usually not associated with environmental pollution. This is an important step in the fight against the climate crisis.