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help me pl 1)Выписать пять предложений с модальными глаголами. Подчеркните модальные глаголы. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
While I’m on the topic of who should or shouldn’t negotiate, I’d like to warn you about non-police negotiators.
The SOARU (Special Operation and Research Unit) points out that using “civilian” negotiators like members of the subject’s family, friends, clergy, a mental health professional, or an attorney is a high-risk proposition.
Since these people have generally not been trained in negotiation, they will probably, under the stress of the situation, revert to their usual way of talking with the subject. All negotiators have heard stories about family members who come to the scene and say, “Let me talk to him, he’ll listen to me”. When they get on the phone, some will call the subject a jerk; another will say, “Hang in there, Joey, we’re all proud of you”.
Clergymen, on the other hand, may get excessively moralistic or theological, while attorneys may have difficulty deciding which side they represent. Even mental health professionals with experience in crisis intervention may have little to offer if they have not had negotiation training. They are accustomed to people coming to them and asking for help, not resisting it. And, generally, they don’t have the mental “set” to expect demands and to deal with lying or threats if those demands aren’t ment. After getting negotiation training, however, they can work well as consultants to the negotiation team.
Finally, if a non-police negotiator is being used and you decide to go tactical, that person may be reluctant (or may refuse) to participate in a tactical response and may alert the subject by changing or disrupting the negotiations. So, unless there are specific reasons to the contrary, negotiators should be drawn from our trained officers, with professional consultants to back them up if necessary.
2)подчеркните модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Safety and control must be the prime consideration in the decision-making process.
Контроль и безопасность должны быть главные в процессе принятия решения
2. We are to differentiate terrorists from the wide range of criminal personalities.
Мы должны различать террористов от широкого круга преступных личностей.
3. We have to find ways of breaking the vicious circle of repetition of offending.
Мы должны найти разорвать порочный круг повторения преступлений.
3) Выписать предложение сказуемые которых употреблены в страдательном залоге и инфинитив. Подчеркните сказуемые и инфинитивы.


1) While I’m on the topic of who should or shouldn’t negotiate, I’d like to warn you about non-police negotiators.— should, shouldn’t

Clergymen, on the other hand, may get excessively moralistic or theological, while attorneys may have difficulty deciding which side they represent.— may

Even mental health professionals with experience in crisis intervention may have little to offer if they have not had negotiation training.— may

After getting negotiation training, however, they can work well as consultants to the negotiation team.— can

So, unless there are specific reasons to the contrary, negotiators should be drawn from our trained officers, with professional consultants to back them up if necessary.— should


1. must be

2. are to

3. have to 

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Вот держи .тут с переводомeating habits of my family the food you eat may affect your general condition and mood. it can even affect the risk for certain diseases.  i would like to tell you about the eating habits of my family. we normally try to eat only healthy food however, it’s not always possible. speaking about the place, where we eat, i should mention that my mum thinks the background for meal is very important and we agree with her. we are trying to eat at home and we avoid ordering take-away food. my mum is a good cook, so we eat the home-made dishes only. sometimes on friday evenings for dinner we go to a restaurant. we normally pick a quiet place with italian food on the menu. that’s because everyone in our family loves pizza, pasta and risotto. there are weekends when together with family and friends we go on a picnic. that’s where we break the rules of healthy eating. my dad always makes a barbecue there. as you know grilled meat is not very healthy. there are days when we go fishing. in that case he cooks the freshly caught fish. on such days i wish i had been a vegetarian. anyway, when we are at home, we eat healthy. our breakfast consists of either oatmeal or a plateful of cereal. sometimes my mum makes roasted toasts and an omelette. we drink either orange juice or green tea. we try to avoid black coffee as it’s not very healthy. during the day we eat lots of fruit and vegetables. my mum bakes delicious cakes, but she tries to reduce the amount of sugar. so, her baking is never too sweet. to sum up, i’d like to mention that there are three main components of health lifestyle: healthy eating, physical exercise and leisure activities. thus, a healthy diet can be good for your overall health. пища, которую вы едите, может влиять на общее состояние и настроение. она даже может влиять на риск развития некоторых заболеваний. я хотела бы рассказать вам о пище моей семьи. мы обычно стараемся есть только здоровую еду, однако, не всегда так получается. говоря о месте, где мы едим, я должна отметить, что моя мама фон важной частью приема пищи, и мы с ней согласны. мы стараемся всегда есть дома и стараемся не заказывать продуктов на вынос. моя мама хорошо готовит, так что мы едим только блюда. иногда в вечер пятницы на ужин мы ходим в ресторан. мы обычно выбираем тихое место с итальянским меню. это потому что все в нашей семье любят пиццу, пасту и ризотто. бывают выходные дни, когда вместе с семьей и друзьями мы устраиваем пикник. вот, где мы нарушаем правила здорового питания. мой папа всегда там жарит шашлык. а, как известно, жареное мясо не полезно. бывают дни, когда мы ходим на . тогда он готовит свежевыловленную рыбу. в такие дни я хочу стать вегетарианцем. в любом случае, когда мы дома, мы едим здоровую пищу. наш завтрак состоит либо из овсяных хлопьев, либо из тарелки каши. иногда моя мама делает тосты и яичницу. мы пьем либо апельсиновый сок, либо зеленый чай. мы стараемся не употреблять черный кофе, так как это не полезно. в течение дня мы едим много фруктов и овощей. моя мама печет вкусные торты, но она старается урезать количество сахара. таким образом, ее кондитерские изделия никогда не бывают слишком сладкими. подводя итог, я хотела бы сказать, что у здорового образа жизни есть три основные составляющие: здоровое питание, и досуг. таким образом, здоровое питание может хорошо сказаться на вашем здоровье в целом.
4,4(98 оценок)

1. Stonehenge is 5 019 years old

2. Stonehenge is the world’s most famous Neolithic monument, located on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. Although we increasingly understand a great deal about who built Stonehenge and how they did it, we know very little about the reasons why it was built, there is a plenty of theories though. For example STONEHENGE WAS BUILT AS A BURIAL SITE.

3. Stonehenge is under great pressure not only as a result of the large numbers of visitors that it attracts, but also from the effects of traffic on the A303 and A344 which cut across the landscape.

4. сорри, я нинаю


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