the most recent book i have red is harry potter. harry potter is an action and fantastic book. its about an young teen that have defeated the dark lord 2 times.And its about his adventure harry's life and more
1 Beijing has changed so much in the last few years that it’s almost irrecognisable. (RECOGNISE). 2 The number of cars in the world (WORLD) is about a billion and is increasing all the time. 3 The new maglev trains run on a completely different (DIFFER) system from ordinary trains. 4 Living in a foreign country really does broaden (BROAD) your horizons. 5 I can’t find a (DIRECT) flight from London to Delhi so I’ve booked one that changes in Frankfurt. 6 All passengers must complete a visa form upon arrival (ARRIVE) at Singapore airport. 7 You can still see old milestones by the side of the road in England, showing the distance (DISTANT) to the nearest town. 8 The Museum of Transport has a full-sized jet plane next to the entrance (ENTER).
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa (preferably Dutch process)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 tablespoons milk
6 cups vanilla ice cream
Stir sugar and water in heavy medium saucepan over medium-low heat until sugar dissolves. Increase heat and bring to boil. Place cocoa in small bowl. Gradually whisk in sugar syrup. Return mixture to same saucepan. Boil 1 minute, whisking constantly. Pour into bowl. Whisk in vanilla and cool completely. Cover and chill until cold, at least 1 hour. (Syrup can be made 1 week ahead. Keep refrigerated.)
Pour 3 tablespoons chocolate syrup and 1 tablespoon milk into blender. Add 1 1/2 cups ice cream and blend until smooth. Pour into glass. Repeat in 3 more batches, using 3 tablespoons syrup, 1 tablespoon milk and 1 1/2 cups ice cream for each milk shake.
the most recent book i have red is harry potter. harry potter is an action and fantastic book. its about an young teen that have defeated the dark lord 2 times.And its about his adventure harry's life and more