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29.03.2021 02:37 •  Английский язык

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1. Do you have any predictions about how we will travel in the future? Private spaceships?

In the future, there may be various predictions about how we will travel. One possibility is the use of private spaceships. Private spaceships are spacecraft owned by individuals or companies, rather than government organizations like NASA. These spaceships would allow people to travel to space and explore other planets. Private space exploration has gained momentum in recent years, with companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin working towards this goal.

2. I need to install anti-virus software on my home computer.

Installing anti-virus software is essential to protect your home computer from viruses and malware. Viruses are harmful programs that can damage your files, steal personal information, or slow down your computer. To install anti-virus software, follow these steps:

Step 1: Research and choose a reputable anti-virus software. Some popular options include Norton, McAfee, or Avast.

Step 2: Visit the official website of the chosen anti-virus software.

Step 3: Look for the download or install option on the website. Click on it.

Step 4: Follow the instructions provided by the software's installation wizard. This may involve agreeing to terms and conditions, choosing a destination folder for the software, and selecting additional features you wish to install.

Step 5: Once the installation is complete, you may need to restart your computer for the software to be fully operational.

3. The Internet has made communication faster.

The Internet has revolutionized communication by making it faster and more accessible. Here's how the Internet has made communication faster:

a) Instant Messaging: Services like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Telegram allow instant messaging, which means you can send and receive messages in real-time.

b) Email: Email enables fast and asynchronous communication. You can send messages to anyone around the world instantly, and they can read and respond to them at their convenience.

c) Video Conferencing: Applications like Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet enable face-to-face communication over long distances, eliminating the need for physical travel.

d) Social Media: Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter provide instant updates and allow people to share information with their friends and followers instantly.

4. One danger of the Internet is that you can't control what people publish on it.

One of the dangers of the Internet is the lack of control over the content published by individuals. Here's why it can be problematic:

a) False Information: The Internet allows anyone to publish information, which means that not all information available online is accurate or reliable. People can spread false information or rumors, leading to confusion or misinformation.

b) Cyberbullying: Some individuals misuse the anonymity provided by the Internet to bully or harass others. This can have severe emotional and psychological impact on the victims.

c) Privacy Concerns: Information shared online, intentionally or unintentionally, can be accessed by unauthorized individuals or organizations, compromising personal privacy and security.

d) Inappropriate Content: The Internet hosts a vast amount of content, some of which may be inappropriate for certain age groups. Children and young people may inadvertently come across explicit or harmful material.

It is important to be aware of these dangers and to exercise caution when browsing the Internet, especially when sharing personal information or interacting with others.

5. I never save emails, I delete them.

While it is a personal choice, it is generally advisable to save important emails rather than deleting them immediately. Here's why:

a) Reference: Saved emails can serve as a reference in the future. They can help you recall important details, track conversations, or verify information.

b) Legal Documentation: Some emails may contain legal agreements, receipts, or other important documents that may be required for future reference or legal purposes.

c) Organization: Saving emails allows you to maintain a well-organized mailbox and enables easy retrieval of information whenever required.

However, it is also important to declutter your mailbox regularly to avoid unnecessary accumulation of emails.

6. To add attachments to emails, you need to click on the paperclip icon.

When you want to attach files or documents to an email, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the email composition screen or the "New Message" window.

Step 2: Look for the paperclip icon, which is usually located in the top toolbar or near the email body section.

Step 3: Click on the paperclip icon.

Step 4: A file explorer window will open, allowing you to browse and select the file you wish to attach.

Step 5: Select the file and click on the "Open" or "Attach" button in the file explorer window.

Step 6: The selected file will be attached to the email. You can repeat the process if you want to attach more files.

Remember to consider the file size limitations of the email service you are using, as some services may have restrictions on attachment sizes.

7. When I turn down the volume on my phone, it vibrates so I can feel it ringing.

The vibration feature on your phone helps you notice incoming calls or notifications even when you have set the volume to low or turned it off completely. The vibration is a subtle physical sensation that alerts you without making a sound. It ensures that you are aware of any incoming calls or messages without disturbing others or attracting unnecessary attention in certain situations like class or meetings.

8. I don't like emails - I prefer to communicate with people face-to-face.

While emails are a convenient and efficient means of communication, some people prefer face-to-face communication for various reasons. Here's why:

a) Personal Connection: Face-to-face communication allows for a more personal and direct connection between individuals. It allows for facial expressions, body language, and other non-verbal cues that can enrich the communication experience.

b) Real-time Interaction: Face-to-face communication allows for immediate feedback and clarification. It enables a more dynamic and interactive conversation compared to asynchronous communication through emails.

c) Building Trust and Rapport: Face-to-face communication can help build trust, rapport, and stronger relationships. It allows for a deeper understanding and connection between individuals.

However, it is essential to consider the context and convenience of the person you are communicating with. In some situations, emails or other forms of digital communication may be more appropriate or necessary.

9. To save a document, click on the save icon on the toolbar.

When you want to save or store a document, follow these steps:

Step 1: Ensure that you have made any necessary edits or changes to the document.

Step 2: Look for the save icon, which is typically represented by a floppy disk symbol. It is usually located in the top toolbar of most software applications.

Step 3: Click on the save icon. Alternatively, you can also use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + S" on Windows or "Command + S" on Mac.

Step 4: A file explorer window will open, allowing you to choose the destination folder and specify the file name for the document.

Step 5: Select or create a folder to save the document in and provide a meaningful name for the file.

Step 6: Click on the "Save" or "OK" button in the file explorer window.

The document will be saved in the selected folder, ensuring that any changes made are preserved for future use.
4,4(98 оценок)
Я открываю ставни и выглядываю. Машина стоит там, где я оставил ее. Внезапно я осознаю, что они больше не обращают на меня внимания. Они что-то бормочут и медленно спускаются по крутой улочке, которая ведет в гору между домами, на моей правой стороне.
Слева я вижу огни первых домов деревни и тороплюсь в сторону через лес, когда внезапно вспышка света заставляет меня остановиться.
В тот момент я искал работу.
Мисс Нобс не видела его уход из офиса. В половине пятого она себе приготовит чашку чая в небольшой закутке поблизости от главного коридора.

Анализ предложений:

1. В первом предложении говорится о том, что я открыл ставни и посмотрел на улицу. "I open" -- я открываю (настоящее время), "the shutters" -- ставни, "and look out" -- и выглядываю. Далее идет описание того, что я увидел: "the car stands" -- машина стоит (настоящее время), "where I had left it" -- где я оставил ее.

2. Во втором предложении я осознаю, что меня больше не замечают. "Suddenly" -- вдруг, "I realize" -- я осознаю (настоящее время), "that they do not pay attention to me any longer" -- что они больше не обращают на меня внимания. Затем описывается, что они что-то бормочут ("mutter") и медленно спускаются ("come") по крутой улочке, которая ведет в гору между домами на моей правой стороне.

3. В третьем предложении рассказывается о том, что на моей левой стороне (слева) я вижу огни первых домов деревни и спешу в их направлении сквозь лес. Но внезапно происходит вспышка света, которая заставляет меня остановиться.

4. В четвертом предложении говорится о том, что в то время я искал работу. "At that time" -- в то время, "I was looking" -- я искал (прошедшая форма вербы) "for a job" -- работу.

5. В пятом предложении говорится о том, что мисс Нобс не видела его уход из офиса. "Miss Nobbs did not see" -- мисс Нобс не видела (прошедшая форма), "him leave" -- его уходить (инфинитив), "the office" -- офис. "At half past four" -- в половине пятого, "she made" -- она приготовила (прошедшая форма), "herself a cup of tea" -- себе чашку чая, "in a small recess" -- в небольшом закутке, "off the main corridor" -- поблизости от главного коридора.

Надеюсь, эта информация поможет тебе лучше понять смысл текста и ответить на вопросы.
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