The first Earthship was created by Mike Reynolds.
The new stadium will be built by them next summer.
The building was destroyed by fire.
The Alhambra was designed by them as a palace.
A new heating system has been invented by them.
Central heating will be installed by him.
young - молодой.
answer ['a:n(t)sə] ответ, отвечать; откликаться
body ['bɔdy] тело
change [tʃeindʒ] менять, изменять
cry [krai] плакать
dark [da:k] тёмный
family ['fæm(ə)li] семья
fire ['faiə] огонь; пожар; стрелять; поджигать
four [fɔ:] четыре
guy [gai] парень
hair [hɛə] волосы
hard [ha:d] жёсткий, твёрдый
heart [ha:t] сердце
hour [auə] час
idea [ai:diə] идея; мысль
later ['leitə'] позже, более поздний
laugh [la:f] смех, смеяться
live [liv] жить, существовать
mouth [mauθ] рот
road [rəud] дорога, путь
second ['sek(ə)nd] секунда; второй
since [sin(t)s] с тех пор, с, после
small [smɔ:l] маленький
smile [smail] улыбка; улыбаться
state [steit] государство, страна, штат
step [step] шаг; шагать
wanted ['wɔntid] разыскиваемый полицией
watch [wɔtʃ] 1) смотреть, следить; наблюдение; 2) часы
wife [waif] жена, супруга
window ['windəu] окно
1. The city museum.
2. The cat is grey.
3. People of Kazakhstan elect their President once in 5 years.
4. What is the oldest University in Britain?
C) Oxford
5. Translate some sentences from English, please.
6. I thought that she knew English well.
7. London stands on the river.
A) Thames
8. English is a difficult language.
9. She is the most beautiful girl in our group.
10. He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happy today.
11. There is much milk in the bottle.
12. Where is she?
13. Annual festivals of music and drama are very popular in Britain.
14. We must do our lessons every day.
15. It was a beautiful day, clear, warm and sunny.
16. Cats can wash their paws and fur.
17. My mother is university teacher.
18. Give the right answer: forty + forty-eight = eighty – eight
19. I am sorry the students who failed and I'm also sorry being late.
20. My parents’ parents are my Grandparents.
21. They are students.
22. Grammar is explain by our teacher.
23. There were the boys and girls in the room.
24. We expected her coming on time.
25. A lot of people in the USA usually visit performances and exhibitions.
26. Find the antonym SLOW;
B) rapid;
27. She always wears a uniform.
28. Choose the necessary article: in summer we lived in the village.
29. Schools and many businesses are always close the Thanksgiving Day.
30. What is the name of the biggest port in the USA?
31. Passive voice. The dictation will be written next Thursday.
32. The relations between the wild animals are very complex.
33. The clock of my computer is late nine minutes.
34. Give the English equivalent АЗОТ;
B) nitrogen
35. Give the English equivalent ТОЧНОСТЬ
D) accuracy
36. Give the Russian equivalent DIVING; E) подводное плавание
37. Passive voice. The post box was emptied yesterday.
38. Choose the right variant of numeral: Three thousand eight hundred and seventy five. E) 3875
39. The worst thing about Kate’s previous job was that she couldn’t wear the uniform.
40. Give the English equivalent ДОРОЖНОЕ ДВИЖЕНИЕ;
B) traffic.
2 . The first Earthship was created by Mike Reynolds.
3. The new stadium will be built (by them) next summer.
4. The building was destroyed by fire.
5. The Alhambra was designed (by them) as a palace.
6. A new heating system has been invented (by them).
7. Central heating will be installed by him.