нужно очень ! Переведите в КОСВЕННУЮ речь! Mrs. H i l t o n : It’s much fresher here than in London.
Mr. H i l t o n : Yes, it was so stuffy in the train with the carriage so crowded, I hate trains and buses.
Mrs. H i l t o n : It’s all over now. Look? Alice and Roger have
gone further along. They’ve chosen a nice place.
Mr. H i l t o n : Yes, there are fewer people there.
Mrs. H i l t o n : How quick the young people are! They are
already in their bathingsuits lying in the sun.
A l i c e : Isn’t the water cold?
R o g e r : It is, and you are certainly afraid to come into the
water, you coward.
Mrs. H i l t o n : Stop teasing your sister, Roger. I am sick and
tired of your quarrels. Let me have a minute’s rest.
R o g e r : Sorry, Mum. I’ll be as good as gold. Wait for me,
Alice, I’m coming too.
A l i c e : Quick! I’m already in the water.
R o g e r : I’ll catch up with you easily. You splash about too
much with your feet.
A l i c e : I’m not such a strong swimmer as you. Oh, I’ve got
a mouthful of salt water.
R o g e r : You shouldn’t swim with your mouth open.
A l i c e : I feel a bit chilly. I’d rather swim ashore and lie on
the sand.
R o g e r : I’ll join you in a moment after I dive off that raft.
"aircraft" (самолёт - самолёты),
"hovercraft" (транспортное средство на воздушной подушке - транспортные средства на воздушной подушке),
"spacecraft" (космический корабль - космические корабли),
"alms" (подаяние - подаяния),
"barracks" (казарма - казармы),
"crossroads" (пересечение дорог - перекрестки),
"headquarters" (главное управление - центральные органы),
"gallows" (виселица - виселицы),
"deer" (олень - олени),
"fish" (рыба - рыбы),
"fruit" (фрукт - фрукты),
"grouse" (куропатка - куропатки),
"means" (средство - средства),
"sheep" (овца - овцы),
"swine (свинья - свиньи), в переносном смысле образует множественное число с окончания -s;
"My neighbours are just such swines!" - «Мои соседи - просто такие свиньи!»
"works" (завод - заводы),
"There is one aircraft left on the runway." - «На взлетно-посадочной полосе остался один самолет.»
"There are many aircraft in the sky today." - «Сегодня в небе много самолетов.»
"Some fish are dangerous." - «Некоторые рыбы опасны.»