1. Snow consists of water.
2. He likes to be the center of attention.
3. He runs 10 km every morning.
4. When does she usually come home?
5. The train leaves at seven o'clock.
6. No one knows who we are.
7. We clean the house.
8. I am washing my clothes at this moment.
9. I'm working now, and Anne is cooking.
10. My brother is now looking for a job.
11. They are moving to Kyiv next Monday.
12. Tonight Kate and I are playing our new concert.
13. On vacation, he constantly loses our keys.
14. I am constantly sick after this ice cream.
Перше. 1) true
Друге 2) false
Третє 3) true
Четверте 4) false
П'яте. 5) true
Шосте 6) true
Сьоме 7) true
Восьме 8) false