Everybody knows that athletics includes competitive running, throwing, jumping and race walking. But only a few know that this group also involves rood running and cross country. Many of these sports were used for training and competitively even in ancient times. Officially track and field dates back to the 8th century B.C., when athletes began competing in running and other exercises during the Olympic games in Greece. Relatively modern format of athletic contests is characteristic of Europe’s late 18th century. And the first athletic club was created in 1850s in London. It organized the competitions and oversaw that the association rules were observed.
In Russia these sports originated in late 1800s with the establishing an athletic society in the suburbs of St. Petersburgh. Since then track and field has become one of the most popular and mass-followed kinds of sport in this country. Probably this is due to the fact that no expensive equipment is required. All a sportsman needs is comfortable clothing and footgear. And that’s why I love this sport. When early in the morning you run out of your house and proceed across the garden nearby or walk along the river at the end of your duty day all the troubles seem to dissolve in the air. Only the hasteless jogging and the word around you seem to exist. You don’t have to worry about what passers-by would think of you or how your boss would react. You can just relax and have fun. And the benefit for your health as well.
Most of athletics are cardio training exercises. There are definitely strength building sports, such as shot put or hammer throwing. But the latter are professional disciplines requiring special training, whereas race running is available for all, even for hobbyists.
Отрицательные Ukraine isn't a sovereign state. It doesn't have its own territory, higher and local bodies of state power, government, national emblem, state flag, and anthem. The population of Ukraine isn't about 52 million people. There aren't 24 administrative regions there. Many countries don't have common boundaries with Ukraine and maintain economic relations with it. Ukraine doesn't pursue peaceful and neutral policy. It doesn't establish new relations with all countries throughout the world. It doesn't set direct contacts with them signing agreements and treaties. It isn't one of the founding members of the United Nations Organization and participates in the work of many international organizations. Ukraine isn't a member of the International Monetary Fund, International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, International Finance Corporation, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, the North Atlantic Council of Cooperation, and others. The main river in Ukraine isn't the Dnipro which divides it into Right-bank and Left-bank territories. Sea transport doesn't play an important part in Ukraine’s economy. The ports of the country don't ensure trade contacts with over 80 countries. Вопросительные Is Ukraine a sovereign state? Does it have its own territory, higher and local bodies of state power, government, national emblem, state flag, and anthem? Is the population of Ukraine about 52 million people? Are there are 24 administrative regions there? Do many countries have common boundaries with Ukraine and maintain economic relations with it? Does Ukraine pursue peaceful and neutral policy? Does it establish new relations with all countries throughout the world? Does it set direct contacts with them signing agreements and treaties? Is it one of the founding members of the United Nations Organization and participates in the work of many international organization? Is Ukraine a member of the International Monetary Fund, International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, International Finance Corporation, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, the North Atlantic Council of Cooperation, and others? Is the main river in Ukraine the Dnipro which divides it into Right-bank and Left-bank territories? Does sea transport play an important part in Ukraine’s economy? Do the ports of the country ensure trade contacts with over 80 countries?
История Эйфелевой башни в Париже такова. В конце XIX века во Франции собирались праздновать сто лет революции 1789 года. Было принято решение организовать Всемирную выставку и к её открытию придумать какое-то уникальное, необыкновенное «нечто», чем можно потрясти мир. И остановились на дерзком для тех времён проекте французского инженера Гюстава Эйфеля. Через два года на левом берегу Сены выросла, устремленная к небу, ажурная стрела башни. Высота Эйфелевой башни достигала 300 метров, а вес башни составлял 10000 тонн. В продолжении истории Эйфелевой башни в Париже отмечу, что как нередко бывает с необычными грандиозными проектами, при рождении металлического коллоса возникла масса трудностей не только технического плана. Влиятельные и авторитетные лица французской столицы откровенно противодействовали внедрению в жизнь проекта нового сооружения. Даже выдающихся мастеров культуры не привлекала Эйфелева башня. Александр Дюма, Шарль Гуно, Леконт де Лиль, Ги де Мопассан, Сюлли Прюдом подписали «кипящий благородным негодованием» протест против «бесполезного и чудовищного сооружения» в самом сердце Парижа. Если вас заинтересовала более подробная история Эйфелевой башни, то на страницах интернет можно найти всё, что душе угодно. Что касается Ги де Мопассана, так этот мэтр французской литературы и яростный противник Эйфелевой башни придумал оригинальный не видеть «безобразного скелета»: он попросту обедал в ресторане самой башни! «Это единственное место в Париже, где я не вижу ее». Это слова самого литератора. Но на этом история Эйфелевой башни не заканчивается годы. И вот Эйфелева башня — уже не объект раздражения, а объект восхищения. Ни чуть не меньше, чем знаменитый Версальский дворец. О ней стали слагать песни и повещать ей стихи. Она стала излюбленной моделью художников и фотографов. Не только в странах Европы и Америки превозносят знаменитую красавицу. Во Вьетнаме, например, даже создали небольшую копию Эйфелевой башни. Эйфелева башня сегодня – это самый яркий символ всей Франции, а не только Парижа. Особой популярностью Эйфелева башня пользуется у представителей мирового туризма. Отзывы туристов полны восторга. И это естественно. Кто же откажется насладиться видом французской столицы с высоты птичьего полета. Вид с Эйфелевой башни просто потрясает своим великолепием. Но ради этого удовольствия вам придется выстоять приличную очередь. Создатель Эйфелевой башни Гюстав Эйфель частенько с юмором откликался о своем детище такими словами: «Мне следовало бы испытывать чувство ревности к башне. Ведь она гораздо известнее меня». У северной «ноги» башни сейчас установлен позолоченный бюст создателя великого творения. «Эйфель: 1832 — 1923». Такова простенькая надпись на бюсте том
In Russia these sports originated in late 1800s with the establishing an athletic society in the suburbs of St. Petersburgh. Since then track and field has become one of the most popular and mass-followed kinds of sport in this country. Probably this is due to the fact that no expensive equipment is required. All a sportsman needs is comfortable clothing and footgear. And that’s why I love this sport. When early in the morning you run out of your house and proceed across the garden nearby or walk along the river at the end of your duty day all the troubles seem to dissolve in the air. Only the hasteless jogging and the word around you seem to exist. You don’t have to worry about what passers-by would think of you or how your boss would react. You can just relax and have fun. And the benefit for your health as well.
Most of athletics are cardio training exercises. There are definitely strength building sports, such as shot put or hammer throwing. But the latter are professional disciplines requiring special training, whereas race running is available for all, even for hobbyists.