An employee manual, also known as an employee handbook or staff handbook is a book given to employees by an employer.
The employee handbook can be used to bring together employment and job-related information which employees need to know for example: the company's mission or purpose, general information like holiday arrangements, company perks, rules and others
The employee handbook is almost always a part of a company's induction process for new staff. A written employee handbook gives clear advice to employees and creates a culture where issues are dealt.
2. A lot of people were invited to the party.
( Past Simple Passive)
Много людей были приглашены на вечеринку.
3. Will a new library be opened by the Queen?
(Future Simple Passive)
Будет ли новая библиотека открыта королевой?
6. What was Marina told about?
(Past Simple Passive)
О чем рассказали Марине?
8. I have just been promised to buy a new computer.
(Present perfect Passive)
Мне только что пообещали купить компьютер.
9. A letter is being written at the moment.
(Present continuous Passive)
В данный момент пишется письмо.
10. She was being waited for school.
(Past Continuous Passive)
Ее ждали в школе.
1. is celebrated
2. are watered
3. will be built
4. were shown
5. was invited to dance
6. am asked
1. I was offered a cup if tea.
2. Harry Potter is known by everybody.
3. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.
4.he will be awarded a Nobel Prize next year.
5. The police was sent for.
1) Subject + to be + Past participle
2) (wh questions ) + auxiliary verb + subject + to be + Past participle
3) subject + auxiliary verb + not + to be + Past participle
4) by
I need your help now
2. Does She belong...?
3. Do you know how to...
4. Do you want me to help you?
5. Does Tomer like swimming?
6. Does your Father think...?
7. Visit
8. Do you need...?
9. They are flying...
10. Is not playing
11. I don't usually finish
12. Fixes
13. Is living
14. Don't understand
15. We are happy now. We are eating supper.
16. I eat My Sister is eating all the year round..
17 is She smiling now?
18. They don't like...
19. Brushes
20. Watches
21. Are listening
22. Does not understand
23. Belongs
24. Loves
25. Belong
26. What are you doing tonight?
27. He is lying
28. Knows
29. How much does the Weight??