My favorite city has many interesting places to visit that will be remembered for a long time. One of these is the legendary Hollywood. Go to Los Angeles and did not go to the Hollywood hills - still do not go to Los Angeles. With their spectacular view of the city. Who does not dream to walk on Walk of Fame, to be photographed with the stars of your favorite actors or singers? Walk through Hollywood could become even more interesting, if you go to the museum, which is dedicated to the achievements of the Guinness World Records. There are several interesting exhibitions, such as "World of Entertainment", "World of Sport", "Man's World". There you can see a variety of life-size figures in, for example, the fattest man in the world, a woman, whose growth is the lowest,
Hello, my name is I am the pupil of the form. Of course, I need to go to school. I use ( car, train, bus) for getting to my school. It does not takes me long, because ( i always go to the bus-stop early in the morning, my car rides fast, there are not so much people in my metrostation in the morning). After that, i also need to go to my school, which is plased near me. I must to hurry up, because i dont want to be late. after walking into school building I take off my Jacket, hat and boots and go to the lesson.