Сегодня я хочу рассказать о своем любимом виде спорта. Я обожаю теннис, полденс, кикбокс, фигурное катание. Я занималась плаванием в детстве, потом пошла на кикбокс, которым прозанималась 1 год, но к сожалению из-за травмы я была вынуждена перестать заниматься этим видом спорта. Это наверное и есть мой любимый вид спорта. В будущем хочу заниматься пол денсом, это достаточно интересный вид спорта, но все люди его воспринимают. Вернемся к кикбоксу. Многие говорят что это спорт для парней, и я могу возразить, этот спорт учит девушек самообороны, дисциплины и силы духа. Эти качества весьма важны и в будущей жизни. Именно это нравится мне в этом спорте. Today I want to tell you about my favorite sport. I love tennis, poldens, kickboxing, figure skating. I was a competitive swimmer in childhood, then went to kickboxing, which was studied for 1 year, but unfortunately due to injury I was forced to stop doing this sport. This is probably my favorite sport. In the future I want to do the floor dance, this is quite an interesting sport, but people accept it. Back to kickboxing. Many say that it is a sport for guys, and can I say, this sport teaches girls self defense, discipline and fortitude. These qualities are very important and will help in future life. That's what I like in this sport.
Today i would like to talk about my favourite sport.I love tennis, poldens, kickboxing, figure skating.I took up swimming in my childhood, then i tookup kickboxing. I did kickboxing for one year, but unfortunately due to injury I was forced to stop doing this sport.I think it is my favourite sport.In the future i would like to take up floor dance/ It is a very intresting kind of sport but all people accept it. Back to kickboxing. Many say that it is a sport for boys, and can I say, this sport teaches girls self defense, discipline and fortitude. These qualities are very important and will help in future life. That's why I like this sport.
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