Nowadays, it is essential to know your culture, traditions and customs. Food can be considered an important part of any culture. I would like to talk about Borsh, as a traditional Russian dish and kvas, as a unique russian beverage. First of all, borsh is regarded as a unique and delicious dish at the same time. To cook borsh, one will need a beet, a cabbage, some potatoes, beef and some species. Every tourist who comes to our country wants to know what is borsh? what is salo? and when they have an opportunity to taste it, they never forget this kind of soup. I think, that borsh was cooked from the times of the Russian Empire, as the recipe is so simple and not so expensive. When it comes to Russian beverages, it is important to note kvas. Actually, nobody except the Russians knows what a unique and mysterious drink it is. Some people love it, but some people just don’t understand the taste of this drink. However, it is a healthy drink which makes you happy every time you drink it during the summertime. In conclusion, I would like to say that the Russian cuisine is the best in the world. Borsh and kvas are only examples of a lot of dishes more.
1. Мои родители были удивлены, увидев меня дома. Я не предупредил их о моем визите, но, естественно, они были рады меня видеть в любом случае.2. К вечеру стало ясно, что Джек и его друзья заблудились в тайге. К сожалению, они не рассказали никому о своем маршруте, и сотрудники МЧС не знали, где их искать. 3. Жители деревни могли чувствовать запах дыма, но они не осознали, что они в опасности. По какой-то причине радио не сообщило ничего о грядущих лесных пожарах на следующее утро. 4. Сотрудники МЧС сделали все, что могли, чтобы людей. Они волновались, так как вертолет еще не прибыл, а некоторые люди нуждались в медицинской Было уже поздно, а я был еще далеко от дома. Я чувствовал себя неловко, потому что я не оставил записку для мамы, и она будет волноваться.
First of all, borsh is regarded as a unique and delicious dish at the same time. To cook borsh, one will need a beet, a cabbage, some potatoes, beef and some species. Every tourist who comes to our country wants to know what is borsh? what is salo? and when they have an opportunity to taste it, they never forget this kind of soup. I think, that borsh was cooked from the times of the Russian Empire, as the recipe is so simple and not so expensive.
When it comes to Russian beverages, it is important to note kvas. Actually, nobody except the Russians knows what a unique and mysterious drink it is. Some people love it, but some people just don’t understand the taste of this drink. However, it is a healthy drink which makes you happy every time you drink it during the summertime.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the Russian cuisine is the best in the world. Borsh and kvas are only examples of a lot of dishes more.