A When I got to the top of the hill the sun was already going down. The hillsides below me were golden- green on one side and grey shadow on the other. There was no sound and nothing moved on the moor. One
great grey bird flew over my head. He and I seemed to be the only living things between the blue sky and the empty land. But down below me there was a circle of old stone huts. * One of these still had enough roof to
keep a person dry when the weather was bad. My heart jumped as I saw it. This must be the stranger's hiding place - I could now find out his secret!
A little path through the rocks took me down to the door. Everything was quiet. The man might be waiting inside, or he might be outside on the moor. I closed my hand on the gun in my pocket , walked quickly to the
door and looked in. The hut was empty.
But I was right. This was the place where the man lived. Some blankets in a corner showed me where he slept. I could see the ashes of a fire in the old fireplace. Next to it there were some cooking pots and a bucket of water . Empty tins were lying on the floor, so I knew that someone had used the place for several days. An old table stood in the middle of the hut, and on this I found a small bag. Inside there was some bread, some tins of meat and two tins of fruit. Then I noticed a piece of paper under the bag. I picked it up and read it. It said. "Dr Watson has gone to Coombe Tracey
: This secret man was collecting information about me! Who was he? What was he doing here? Was he my enemy? I knew I could not leave the hut until I had answers to these questions.
"Currently, it is difficult to list all the activities, entertainment and Hobbies that people do in their free time. More and more people prefer to watch movies, performances, sports events on TV, rather than attend them. There are completely different types of leisure activities that give thousands of people a sense of excitement and expectation. People choose different activities to spend their free time. Today, people spend hours watching various informational, educational, or environmental programs. Other popular activities include surfing the Internet, playing computer games and listening to the radio, reading books (often electronic), drawing, etc. Many people prefer to engage in various sports and lead an active lifestyle. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good time. There are people who prefer a quiet way to spend their free time. They love walking in parks or gardens. More serious people prefer to visit museums and galleries. Leri or
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