Британский парламент самый старый в мире.Он возник в 12 веке, как Витенагемот совет мудрых советников, в которых нуждался Король, чтобы консультироваться, проводя свою политику. Британский Парламент состоит из Палаты общин и Королевы во главе Парламента. Палата общин играет основную роль в законодательстве. Он состоит из членов Парламента (их называют MP для краткости). Каждый из ни представляет какую-либо область в Англии, Шотландии, Уэльсе или Ирландии. Члены парламента избираются либо с общими выборами либо дополнительными выборами следующими за смертью или уходом на пенсию. Парламентские выборы проводятся каждые пять лет и Премьер-Министр определяет конкретную дату выборов. Минимальный возраст голосующего 18 лет. Голосование проводится с тайной бюллетени. Предвыборная компания длится 3 недели.
Food in my life I should probably start with the following question: Do I eat to live or live to eat? Of course for me, as for anybody else, food is important, as it maintains us alive. However it is not everything; as many food lovers might think. Food is what gives us energy to survive. It permits us do everyday activities like working, learning, do exercises or just enjoy life. We are what we eat. That means food is also to blame for our health. It frequently happens that people become obsessed with food, and which is even worse, with junk food. Therefore they develop a lot of diseases, amass fat and don't feel good anymore. In order to answer the questin I put myself in the begining, I would like to confess that I like food, especially if it is prepared by my mother or grandmother, because that is the food I grew on. However I certainly do not live to eat. I choose to live for more pleasant things than food. I live to love, to learn, to be happy, to make friends and spend time with them. I consider this the right way of living, something we should all do, because if we will only think about those burgers, fries and all that junk the fast food has to offer us the life will pass without us geting involved in it. To conclude with, food in my life is a necessity rather than a pleasure. It is what helps me survive, rather than what makes me happy. :)
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