1. Pete must stay at college after classes today; Must Pete stay at college after classes; Pete mustn’t stay at college after classes 2. He can speak English well; Can he speak English well; He can’t speak English well 3. We may ask the officer of the watch about it ; May we ask the officer of the watch about it; We mayn’t ask the officer of the watch about it 4. They must finish this work on Friday; Must they finish this work on Friday; They mustn’t finish this work on Friday 5. Mary can swim well; Can Mary swim well; Mary can’t swim well 6. We may came to see our teacher any time we like; May we came to see our teacher any time we like; We mayn’t came to see our teacher any time we like 7. Jack must learn to repair a transmitter this month; Must Jack learn to repair a transmitter this month; Jack mustn’t to repair a transmitter this month 8; He could play football well many years ago ; Could he play football well many year ago; He couldn’t play football well many years ago
Русская душа-Russian soul
тайна для иностранцев-mystery for foreigners
встретить гостей-welcome guests
наслаждаться длинными разговорами на кухне-enjoy long talks in the kitchen
вечные оптимисты-eternal optimists
суровый климат научил-severe climate taught
предсказывать события-predict events
хранить(иметь) свою индивидуальность-keep your individuality
объединять нас-unite us
открытые и общительные-open and sociable
а)What Russian doesn’t like fast ride? Everybody does.-Какой русский человек не любит быстрой езды. Все так делают (любят)
b) “The God was patient and he told us to be patient too.”-"Бог был терпелив и говорил нам тоже быть терпеливыми"