Nowadays it is hard to imagine our lives without computers. Almost in any field they are used. But is it safe to use them? On one hand computers are a great source of information. Any news first come to the internet. There we can find any information we need. The other important thing is that internet keeps us in touch with our friend and relatives. No matter how far they are we can see them and talk to them any time using such programs as skype. Then comes education. In this field computers help us as well. To prepare a report or simply get ready for your class you well use a computer too. All of these things are definitely advantages of computers and internet. But on the other hand don't you think that we get lonely ? When you don't need to meet a friend somewhere in a caffe because you can text him or her. The real communication can be replaced by the virtual. That is sad but that what really happens. Then of course the health damage comes. Especially for kids. They spend hours in front of the computers playing games. That is not healthy at all. Surely using computers has its cons and pros. We should be reasonable in it. In my opinion more than enough is too much.
In the animal world there are a lot of interesting animals. Here, for example, an animal which is called the aye-aye. Let's start with the fact that unusual in the animal name itself - "ay-ay." Ai-ai - mammal, living in dense forests and bamboo jungles of Madagascar. The animal is usually silent. But, when frightened, screaming: "Rron-TKIT!". And earlier believed that the beast makes sounds like "ah-ah". Teeth ah-ah, like proteins. Canines are missing, and the top and bottom incisors only two, and the aye-aye nests do, like squirrel. In general, the animal belongs to the order of primates, the family - rukonozhkovye. The second name of this animal - rukonozhka
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