1. Прочитайте тексты о работе Паулы, Рикардо и Мерседес. Переведите вопросы после текста, ответьте кратко. 1) Paula is a student, but she has a part-time evening job as a receptionist in a night club in Buenos Aires.
When do the customers arrive?
'Our customers are usually tourists – they come at about 9.00 to see the tango show.'
What time do you start?
'I come to work at 8.00 every night of the week. The show starts at 10.00 and finishes a little after midnight.'
Do you like your job?
'Yes, I like the job. I meet people and I use my languages. I eat here after the customers leave, and I get home at about 1.00 a.m.'
2) Riccardo works in a factory in Italy. He works shifts. One week he works in the mornings between 6.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m., the next week he does afternoons, from 2.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Then he works the night shift. This starts at 10:00 p.m. and finishes at 6.00 a.m. 'I'm single, so the shifts are OK. I don't work at the weekend. I see my friends then.'
3) Mercedes works in a travel agency in Almeria in Spain. She has a full-time job but her day is in two parts. The office opens between 8.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Then it opens again at 5.00 p.m. and closes at 7.00 p.m. 'It's about half an hour from the house to my office. It's a very long day, and I work on Saturday too.'
a) Who of these people work full-time?(Кто из этих людей работает полный рабочий день?)
b) Who of these people work on Saturdays?(Кто из этих людей работает по субботам?)
c) Who of these people meet different people every day?(Кто из этих людей каждый день встречается с разными людьми?)
d) Who leaves work in the middle of the working day?(Кто уходит с работы в середине рабочего дня?)
e) Who eats after midnight?(Кто ест после полуночи?)
f) Who only works in the daytime?(Кто работает только в дневное время?)
In my bedroom you can see a mirror with blue curtains. Near the bed there is a stantard lamp and a wardrobe with a pink carpet.
In my study room you can see a table with the desk in front of chair,a cupboard where i fold books,a computer and lamp.
In my kitchen you can see a fridge with a cupboard on the left. There is a sink and a table with the chair.
In my bathroom you can see a bath,a shower and a mirror.