Since my childhood my parents have tried to evoke in me love for music. When I was 4 years old, my first teacher taught me how to play the piano. It was my first serious hobby in life.
Three years had passed, and my parents sent me to a musical school. Of course, I went to the first form of our school, and the time for music became less and less...
At musical school we had 4 subjects: Solfeggio, Choir, Music Literature, and Occupation. Of course, I chose the piano. For the first few years I did not experience any learning difficulties. I attended the piano classes with pleasure. As for the chorus, I loved to sing, and was also happy to do it.
I also loved Solfeggio and adored building different chords, intervals, and even composed simple melodies. Music literature, that was what was really hard for me, it started in the fourth form. Students had to memorize a bunch of different myths of ancient Greece, and then disassemble various operas, musicals and do much more
III. Заполните в подходящем предлога или постпозиции. Г-жа Лаура Тейлор является человек, который действительно верит ... Ходишь. Ей 45, но выглядит ... как минимум на 10 лет моложе. Теперь послушайте ... ее историю. "Все это началось около двух лет назад те дни вещи были очень разные. Я имела избыточный вес. Я никогда не получала каких-либо физических упражнений. Я использовала, чтобы остаться ... весь день дома. Я никогда не выходила свежий воздух, за исключением того, чтобы делать покупки. Однажды я смотрела ... сама ... зеркало. "Боже мой" подумала я. Я выгляжу ужасно. ... В время я полностью изменила мою жизнь. Я начала бегать трусцой ... парк, делала упражнения йоги ... фитнес-центр и ела меньше мяса, но больше овощей. Я потеряла вес и чувствовала себя гораздо здоровее, чем раньше.
Three years had passed, and my parents sent me to a musical school. Of course, I went to the first form of our school, and the time for music became less and less...
At musical school we had 4 subjects: Solfeggio, Choir, Music Literature, and Occupation. Of course, I chose the piano. For the first few years I did not experience any learning difficulties. I attended the piano classes with pleasure. As for the chorus, I loved to sing, and was also happy to do it.
I also loved Solfeggio and adored building different chords, intervals, and even composed simple melodies. Music literature, that was what was really hard for me, it started in the fourth form. Students had to memorize a bunch of different myths of ancient Greece, and then disassemble various operas, musicals and do much more