1 - Good afternoon. minute, I have problems with cash desk. 2 - Certainly. 1 - Excuse please, whether I can help you? 2 - Yes, your help is necessary to me. Tomorrow I have a birthday. Mother told to buy products, and I don't know what to choose. 1 - Maybe you buy walnuts? You can add them in a pie. I will be sure very tasty. 2 - Correctly, but mother bought all products for a pie. 1 - I have a good idea, you can buy from us vegetables and prepare salad. 2 - Sounds well. Let me second think. I solved, you can give me 1 kilogram of cucumbers and tomatoes. 1 - Certainly, today to us brought fresh cabbage. 2 - Truth? I remember that mother asked to buy 1 head of cabbage, give please. 1 - Here you hold your products. Thanks for purchase, I hope we will meet once again. I am sure you will prepare very tasty салат.Удачи. 2 - Thank you for the help. Bye.
Мировой океан: киты Киты-самые крупные животные в море. Они гораздо больше, чем животные на суше. Крупнейшие киты более 30 метров в длину.Они живут в воде, но они не рыбы. Они теплокровные и дышат воздухом через отверстие в верхней части головы. Они могут оставаться под водой около часа без дыхания.Есть два вида китов. Один вид имеет большой рот, до 4 метров в глубину. Он ест других крупных морских животных. Этот вид называется Кит-убийца. Другой вид китов гораздо больше, чем эти касатки. У него нет зубов, но есть ряды костных пластин вместо зубов, которые называют- китовый ус. Эти киты имеют очень маленькую глотку. Они не могут проглотить размером ничего большего, чем яблоко.
2 - Certainly.
1 - Excuse please, whether I can help you?
2 - Yes, your help is necessary to me. Tomorrow I have a birthday. Mother told to buy products, and I don't know what to choose.
1 - Maybe you buy walnuts? You can add them in a pie. I will be sure very tasty.
2 - Correctly, but mother bought all products for a pie.
1 - I have a good idea, you can buy from us vegetables and prepare salad.
2 - Sounds well. Let me second think. I solved, you can give me 1 kilogram of cucumbers and tomatoes.
1 - Certainly, today to us brought fresh cabbage.
2 - Truth? I remember that mother asked to buy 1 head of cabbage, give please.
1 - Here you hold your products. Thanks for purchase, I hope we will meet once again. I am sure you will prepare very tasty салат.Удачи.
2 - Thank you for the help. Bye.