1.Прообразом дружелюбного соседа была обычная муха на стене.
2. Про этого человека много много комиксов и он может пускать паутину из рук.
3.Дружелюбный сосед один из самых любимых персонажей MARVEL
4. Он может прилипать к стенам и обладает веселым характером
5. Питер паркер веселый человек
1. The prototype of a friendly neighbor was an ordinary fly on the wall.
2. there are a lot of comics About this person and he can let the web out of his hands.
3. Friendly neighbor one of the MOST beloved marvel characters
4. He can stick to walls and has a fun personality
5. Peter Parker is a fun person
6 Complete the sentences (1-10) with the verbs from the box in the correct form.
drink eat go out have leave open rain sleep talk watch
1 We were having breakfast, when the phone rang.
2 When I got home, i realized I had left my bag on the bus.
3 When she knocked on the door, someone opened it immediately.
4 I did not use to drink coffee, but now I like it.
5 When we were in England, we ate in restaurants every day.
6 While I was doing my homework, my brother was talking on the phone.
7 Were you sleeping when I rang? I hope I didn'twake you up.
8 It was raining when I left home this morning, so I took my umbrella.
9 My brother went out every night, but now he stays at home.
10 I did not watch the film last night because I'd seen it before.
2) are thinner than
3) the best restaurant
5) more filling than