When I go shopping for presents, usually buy things of horoscopes. It is very convenient to give horoscope's Souvenirs as a birthday present to relatives and friends. I believe in horoscopes. I read about my horoscope every day. Usually I discuss about horoscope with my mother. She believes it to. There are a lot of authors of horoscopes. But I prefer horoscopes of Tamara Globa. Sometimes I compare incidents with the predictions of the horoscope and much the same. Many do not believe in horoscopes. But I think Horoscopes can warn us against many things.
Наша семья очень дружная и весёлая. У нас в семье есть общее хобби. Вечером, когда все сделают все дела, мы собираем пазлы всей семьёй. Собираем мы очень сложные иллюстрации, и на одну такую картину у нас уходит около недели. Так же мы всей семьёй любим играть в шахматы, иногда мы даже проводим мини соревнования.На самом деле у нашей семьи очень много хобби. Мы очень любим путешествовать, так же мы всей семьёй ходим на прогулку с нашей собакой, для нас это является тоже хобби. Зимой мы часто ездим кататься на коньках или лыжах. Еще мы очень любим посещать бассейны и аквапарки.
Our family is very friendly and cheerful. We have a common hobby in our family. In the evening, when everyone does the work, we collect puzzles with the whole family. We collect very complex illustrations, and it takes about a week for one such picture. We also like to play chess with the whole family, sometimes we even hold mini-competitions. In fact, our family has a lot of hobbies. We love to travel, as well as the whole family we go for a walk with our dog, for us this is also a hobby. In winter, we often go skating or skiing. We also love to visit the pools and water parks.
Ну как то так :)