RESPECT OTHERS •Use respectful words and tone of voice when talking to anyone. •Leave other people’s property alone. •Work to solve problems constructively, without violence or abuse. •Keep hand, feet and objects to self.
BE PREPARED TO LEARN •Be in your seat and ready when class begins •Have appropriate materials. •Have your homework completed.
FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS •Follow reasonable instructions from adults the first time given.
DO YOUR BEST •Participate positively in class •Stay on task. •Learn all you can
1. Walking along the street I saw several destroyed houses. 2. It was an exciting incident. No wonder she spoke about it in an excited voice. 3. Sitting near the fire, he felt very warm. 4. Having found a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner. 5. The frightened child could not sleep all night – so frightening was the tale. 6. Being unemployed, he hasn’t got much money. 7. I don’t know what was in the burnt letter. I didn’t read it. 8. Looking out of the window, he saw his mother watering the flowers. 9. The house surrounded by tall trees was very beautiful. 10. The wall surrounding the house was very high. 11. Translated by a good specialist, the story preserved all the humour of the original. 12. Selling fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends. 13. Having sold all the fruit, he went to see his friends. 14. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 15. Having arrived late, we missed the train. 16. Jim hurt his arm while playing tennis. 17. The lost book was found at last. 18. Not wishing to discuss that problem, he changed the conversation. 19. A word spoken in time may have very important results. 20. The students speaking good English must help their classmates.
The 28th. The first Good night mini-series was shown in "Shou Tracey Ullman" on April 19, 1987. Demonstration of full-fledged series of a cartoon serial began on December 17, 1989 on the FOX channel. "Gracie Films" for film company "20th Century Fox" is issued. The cartoon serial is known to TV viewers more than in 100 countries now."Griffina" — the American animation sitcom created by Seth Macfarlane for Fox Broadcasting Company TV company. In the center of a plot the dysfunctional family Griffinov consisting of parents, Peter and Lois, their children, Chris, Mag and Stewy, and also Brian — an anthropomorphous dog. Action of a sitcom happens in Kuakhoge, the fictional suburb of Providence, the State of Rhode Island. The most part of humour of series is presented in the form of so-called inserts which often have nothing in common with a plot and contain jokes on various scrupulous and disputable subjects, such as policy, slavery, disability, feminism, obesity and others."Futuram" — the American science-fiction satirical cartoon serial created in 20th Century Fox studio by Matt Greyning (English Matt Groening) and David Cohen (English David X. Cohen), authors of a cartoon serial of "Simpsona"