Distance learning is a convenient learning format for every student. You study at home, at a convenient time for you. No need to waste time on the road to the school and back. You plan your time as you want. You remember more as you search for information yourself.
This format helps the student to get used to adult life and teaches him to be independent. The remote format can also make it easier and even somewhere to unload the homework list in advance if you do it in advance.
Thus, this type of training is convenient for all schoolchildren and students, regardless of where they study.
На мой взгляд, онлайн-обучение имеет множество преимуществ. Во-первых, такие уроки обычно стоят не так дорого, как частные с преподавателем. Таким образом, это людям сэкономить много денег и потратить их на другие полезные вещи.
To my mind, online learning has numerous advantages. Firstly, such lessons usually cost not as expensive as private ones with teacher. Thus, it helps people to save a plenty of money and spend it on other useful things.