Dear John,
I should say that I am fond of reading. I recommend you the book “Three comrades” by Remarque. One day my mum bought it for me. I have read this book twice. It is a novel. “Three comrades” is one of the most famous novels in history. It is a beautiful story about friendship and love. It is an absolutely amazing to read the novel that touches on many topics of life. By the way, Remarque is a great writer. so I strongly advise you to read this book. It is worth reading especially during the holidays.
Best wishes,
When were proposed first plans for condtructing railway line in India?
Когда были предложены первые планы строительства железнодорожной линии в Индии?
Why they were not carried out?
Почему они не были проведены?
When was inaugurated new railway linking Bombay with Mangolore?
Когда была открыта новая железная дорога, связывающая Бомбей с Манголором?
How much time you need to have a trip from Bombay to Mangarole?
Сколько времени вам требуется на путешествие из Бомбея в Моногорол?
What part of a line are tonnels?
Какую часть дороги занимают тунели?