I spend my May holidays with my family. We went to the park and to the reserve where the Shodnya river flows. Elks, raccoons, lizards, foxes, and hares live in the reserve. It is so quiet and peaceful there, but now it’s forbidden to swim in the river. But, I’m still glad to see the beauty of the nature around us.
But the May holidays are not over yet, so on Wednesday next week we will go to the country to help our grandmother with all those planting stuff. And we are going to stay there till Sunday morning. I hope to celebrate May the 9th with my family and my friends!
Tomorrow we’re going to the park again. And when we get back home, we’ll have to get prepared to go to school, pack our book bags, study for our lessons on Monday and then we’ll watch a movie or two.
Можешь отметить мой ответ как лучший?
Lizzie's life was difficult in England and she and her parents 2 were very unhappy there. People didn't like them because their religion 3 was different. Her parents wanted to go to America but they 4 couldn't find a ship. They tried to leave England on the Speedwell but it 5 wasn't a good ship and they 6. couldn't sail to America in it.
10 September 1620
On September 6 I left England on a ship called the Mayflower for America.
I 2 was talking to another sailor when I 3 saw a pretty girl on the deck. I spoke to her and she 5 was very nice.
14 September 1620
I 6 saw the girl again. She 7 was walking on the rock while I was working. I 9 didn't speak to her because the other sailors 10 were watching me.
1 The sun (shine) was shining while the Pilgrims (leave) were leaving England.
2 Lizzie was looking at England when she heard a friendly voice behind her.
3 Lizzie saw John while he was walking on the ship.
4 John liked Lizzie very much.
5 John and other sailors were working on the deck when a huge wave came over the side of the ship.
6 Lizzie saw the wave and screamed.
7 The wave dragged John into the sea.
1A, 2B, 3C, 4B, 5C, 6A