Начало Реформации положило выступление в Германии в 1517 со своими позициями, или как их ещё называли «тезисы для дискуссии», августинского монаха Мартина Лютера. Идеологи Реформации выдвинули тезисы, которыми фактически отрицалась необходимость католической церкви с её иерархией и духовенства вообще. Отвергалось католическое Священное предание, отрицались права церкви на земельные богатства и др.Реформация дала толчок Крестьянской войне 1524—1527 годов, которая охватила сразу многие германские княжества. В 1532 году было издано общегерманское уголовно-судебное уложение «Каролина».Реформация положила начало нескольким религиозным войнам в Германии, завершившимся в 1648 Вестфальским миром. В результате была закреплена раздробленность Германии.
My first teacher was always kind and simple, friendly and fair. With impatience we awaited in the morning, what to make with him the new discoveries. Nobody suspected: that would morning we hit the "secrets," teacher, all that evening sat at the table, looking for interesting material for tomorrow's class. At that time, when we went to bed, he still checked our notebooks, invented, composed, and sometimes went to bed in the morning. He wanted that we would gladly go into the school and was not bored in the classroom. Giving myself the other children, unfortunately, there is little time left for the family. The teacher strives to understand it, as labor of any teacher aims to ensure that the guys were in a happy future. I'm grateful to my first teacher for my first class, for all that he has taught me. Thank You, Olga! Thank you, mom!
Turn proshy you (not through an interpreter only :():
Lake area is about 17,000 square meters. km, it is the second largest in size in Central Asia after the Aral Sea.
The northern shore of the reservoir rocky and high, and the south - low and sandy, covered with reed beds. Twisty coast is indented bays and gulfs. The average depth of Lake Balkhash about 6 meters, maximum - 26 meters. The width of the lake - 74 km to the west and up to 3 km at the narrowest point of the eastern half. Islands in the pond a little, the largest of them - and Basaral Tasaral.
The second text:
The monument erected in honor of workers in the rear, which during World War melted molybdenum for such reservation. As planned by the designers of the monument "Tank" will constitute a single ensemble with the Memorial to the Fallen balhashtsam and howitzer.
The third:
The Palace of Culture named M.Hamzina metallurgists - one of the oldest buildings in the city, was opened on May 1, 1952. It built a palace designed by architect L.Melesha Leningrad. The Palace of Culture is an architectural monument of local importance. There are 10 amateur groups such as Ensemble Modern Dance "Natalie", a brass band, folklore ensemble "Saryarka" dramatic Kazakh theater "Dostar", a circle of playing the piano, playing a circle on the lute, chess club, an exemplary ensemble of dance "Breeze "folk choir" living memory. "